Every third person dreams about the salary in cryptocurrency

2 min readAug 9, 2018


The survey, which was conducted using the Google Survey sociological panel, and was organized by the British company Sage, showed that 31% of respondents “would be happy” if most of their salaries were in cryptocurrencies, and 15% said they would be happy to see all their income in the form of cryptocurrency.

One thousand people took part in the survey, of which 37% concretized their attitude to cryptocurrencies in such a way that they are ready to receive a small part of the salary in cryptocurrency “for the sake of experiment”, but not more than 20% of their total income.

11% of respondents said that they are ready to accept cryptocurrency as payment for their work, but in the range of 61 to 80%, as they are not ready to completely abandon the usual money.

It has also turned out that women are less likely to get paid in cryptocurrencies — those were only 25%, while 75% of men said that they are open to such an opportunity.

At the same time, if we consider that 90% of all Bitcoins are owned by men, we can say that changes towards greater involvement of women in the crypto world are becoming a trend.

According to the age dimension, people from 25 to 34 years show the most desire to receive a salary in cryptocurrency -those in this group are 33%.

Great interest in such a proposal remains at the age of 35 to 44 years, but in older group there is a sharp drop in the desire to receive any salary payments in the form of cryptocurrencies.


