Olga Buzova: a success which gives confidence to BUZCOIN

1 min readAug 11, 2018


Banks and investors in general, when assessing a potential borrower, always go in two ways.

✅ The first is a thorough analysis of activity data, the study of financial statements.

✅ The second is to look into the eyes of the entrepreneur.

Both ways are good.

➡️ The first allows to evaluate the professionalism and ability to do business.

➡️ The second is the sincerity of the person who expects to take out a loan or attract investment.

In case of Olga Buzova both ways say that investors make the right choice when buying BUZCOIN.

Everything that Olga Buzova is engaged in, says that she is able to assemble an excellent team, competently manages her projects and has the necessary business sense.

The ability to be yourself is what attracts millions of people in the life of Olga Buzova.

Both methods of analysis confirm that BUZCOIN must be bought before its price has soared up like a rocket.


