Olga Buzova creates an Empire BUZCOIN-welcome!

1 min readAug 24, 2018


When this year Olga Buzova launched BUZCOIN, she said: “I am the first woman in this country, who presents to your attention my own currency — BUZCOIN. I’m building an Empire.”

What is this, Empire?

This is a space, which will be based on the platform BUZAR.

But the main thing is all those people who will invest in and use BUZCOIN. As they often say today, “tomorrow is hard to imagine”, but it will definitely have cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

For Russia, BUZCOIN is a ticket to a new technological future.

Olga Buzova’s project is the creation of a technological Empire for everyone who wants innovations to come into his life and help him — in communication, in work and in all endeavors.

Sounds interesting?

And it’s worth trying — buy BUZCOIN and understand how it works in practice.

Now BUZCOIN can be purchased at a very competitive price, today is the best time to buy this cryptocurrency.


