The professional team of the project BUZAR is actively and intensively working on its development.

2 min readJun 17, 2018


For the full implementation of our project we have developed a detailed plan of our actions which we will share with you today.

The work on the project BUZAR began relatively recently-just in April 2018. Then we launched our Pre-ICO of the project, within the framework of which our first investors were able to purchase BUZCOIN tokens on the most favorable terms.

The ICO for BUZCOIN tokens is planned for August-September 2018, for which we have developed a special system of bonuses and incentives.

After the generation and distribution of BUZCOIN tokens we will be able to start drafting the terms of reference, purchasing equipment and developing software for the platform.

Already in 2019 we will start the release of MVP, testing and launch of the mobile version of the platform, launch of the messenger with text messages/audio and video calls, launch of B2C and C2C segments of the super-marketplace, introduction of online stores on the platform, launch of the platform participants’ reward program, integration of P2P payments into the messenger, launch of stream and video hosting on the platform, testing and implementation of the “app-in-app” model, activation of group purchases, as well as the launch of housing search and recruitment applications.

At the beginning of 2020 we will only have to launch the B2B segment of the super-marketplace and continue working on the development and expansion of the project. Thus, the platform BUZAR will be fully launched already in the foreseeable future, without which it will be difficult to imagine everyday life, because it will become an indispensable tool in all spheres of life.

