We would like to remind you that the Token sale of the project BUZAR will continue very soon!

1 min readJun 4, 2018


The real value of BUZCOIN token will vary.

Test Token sale of the project BUZAR took place from the 18th of April to the 17th of May, and during that time, we made investments for the sum of 215 929 $ (321.6 ETH 3.289 BTC, 0.5886 DASH, 757.4 19.01 LTC and XRP).

During the project BUZAR it is planned to issue 2 000 000 100 BUZ tokens, 3 220 119 of which has already been released.

BUZ tokens are issued strictly for distribution and there will be no extra tokens issued, so there will be no need to burn them.

The maximum amount of BUZ tokens we are planning to release may by changed slightly depending on the results of the bonus program.

To purchase BUZCOIN tokens, use only those wallets that support ERC 20 Ethereum tokens — MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Mist, Parity.

Do not send ETH with Poloniex, Bitfinex, Cex.io, Exodus, Bitstamp, Exchange, Coinbase, Bitrex, Jaxx, Kraken and other Ethereum or Bitcoin exchanges.

More information about the conditions of the Token sale — on our website at https://sale.buzcoin.io

