Why the launch of BUZCOIN is very important

1 min readJun 26, 2018


The cryptocurrency market has been developing for a long time: the oldest cryptocurrency Bitcoin is more than nine years old.

It would seem that isn’t it too late to enter the market for BUZCOIN?

Not at all: it’s high time!

When analysts and investors see the weaknesses of different crypto projects, which, unfortunately, often can not be corrected completely, as it is impossible to fix anything in the bike, if you are already riding it. The bike squeaks, but goes.

Some are forced to go off the distance. But BUZCOIN will have another way: the project at the very first stage intends to take into account all the weaknesses that other projects have.

And it practically guarantees that the BUZAR platform will be successful and will make BUZCOIN one of the most purchased tokens.


