Will Satoshi Nakamoto, bitcoin’s dad, write a book?

1 min readJul 4, 2018


The Network has information that there will be a book that reveals the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and those who are behind the creation of bitcoin.

According to the report, the text was written by Satoshi Nakamoto himself.

The author said that he plans to release a book in two parts with answers to the most important questions of the crypto community.

▫️The first chapter of the autobiography has already appeared in the network. It tells that first time Satoshi started to publish messages about bitcoin in the Network when he was 20 years old.

▫️The chapter notes that since the age of 14 Satoshi was keen on cypherpunk which is based on the principles of bitcoin.

▫️The author writes that the project that changed the world came after a series of failed attempts made by other people.

▫️Satoshi succeeded in his business only because he was at the right time and in the right place.

And how do you think this news corresponds to the truth? And did Satoshi Nakamoto decide to come out of the shadows?


