How is Scrum revolutionising Product Management?

#9 Why is Scrum so popular ?

Buzzing Product Management
3 min readMay 9, 2023

In-order to understand “How is Scrum revolutionising Product Management” , lets first try to understand Scrum in next 2 minutes.

Scrum is one of the most used lightweight Agile frameworks which is easy to understand. Though it is mostly used in Software development ,it is also valuable in other fields like research, manufacturing, and complex environments.

Who created Scrum framework?

Jeff Sutherland along with Ken Schwaber created Scrum framework for Product Management. Scrum emphasizes on teamwork . One of the interesting fact about Scrum is, the term “Scrum” has been borrowed from rugby. In rugby, the team comes together in moving the ball forward which implies teamwork towards a common goal.

Photo by Olga Guryanova on Unsplash

What is the essence of Scrum ?

The essence of scrum is a small cohesive and cross functional team working on a single objective at a time ,Product goal. Scrum is based on empiricism and lean thinking and hence helps in optimizing predictability , minimising waste and controlling risk.

What gives direction to Scrum ?

Scrum values — “Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage” gives direction to the actions, behaviour and approach towards work. These values support the 3 empirical pillars of Scrum.

  1. Transparency
  2. Inspection
  3. Adaptation

What are the driving elements of Scrum ?

The key elements of Scrum includes

Three Accountabilities — Product Owner, Developers and Scrum Master.

Five Scrum Events — Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum ,Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.

Three Artifacts — Product Backlog ,Sprint Backlog and the Increment.

The following will indicate how these Scrum elements relate to each other.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Scrum Team
Scrum Events for Inspection and Adaptation
Scrum Artifacts
Entire Scrum in a single diagram

In a nutshell, the reason “Scrum” is revolutionising Product Management is through adaptive solutions to complex problems . As we are living in a complex world, solution for these problems needs to be evolved and Scrum provides a strong foundation to it as it is based on “EmpiricismWhich supports learning from experience and provides an opportunity to improve through inspection and adaptation” . In addition to it , the foundational unit of Scrum is a small cohesive cross-functional non-hierarchical team who can work collaboratively and transparently through self-organization.

Please also refer to which will give you more insights on how Scrum can be leveraged for Product Management.



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