BuzzShow Development Progress Update

BuzzShow Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2018

In a bid to achieve a seamless transition to the integrated alpha launch, BuzzShow has gone ahead in the development phase. We believe this phase will enable the delivery of our value proposition which involves the creation of a truly reward-based ecosystem for users of social media video contents. We are excited about this as it implies we are ahead of our roadmap moving forward in Q2 2018.

We will like to reiterate that BuzzShow is a long term project and the team is committed to implementing anything within its power to make it successful as a video social media platform. Against this backdrop, our focus on development is profound as we work hard to ensure our product is distinguished within a competitive market.

Here’s a summary of our progress so far:

1. Development Team Expansion

In the past quarter, we have identified high level talents to join the team and assist with developing and integrating the functionalities of the alpha platform. This is crucial to our plan and resolution to ensure a timely achievement of our goals.

2. Platform Development

· UI/UX Facelift: To provide an exciting user experience and management, we are working to introduce new and improved interfaces for the entire platform in addition to the existing ones. To aid the platform’s economics, the Ethereum integration has also been implemented.

3. Blockchain Implementation

· Smart Contract Development: The Blockchain Technology is a revolutionary concept and Blockchain Integration is a key part of our development. To this end, the team has developed contracts to be integrated into the platform to manage the Token Transactions and the Platform Economics.

Our development is an ongoing process. This is important as we are committed to ensuring the BuzzShow platform incorporates relevant changes within the blockchain industry. In the near future, we intend to update the platform’s security, implement the Inter Planetary File Sharing (IPFS) and release the iOS and Android applications for the platform. This will follow the implementation of the token integration and the finalization of the closed Alpha testing.

Furthermore, the BuzzShow Goldies are utility tokens meant to incentivize the creation, curation and viewing of video contents. Its value will motivate content creation and sharing in the long-run. Given the recent clamor from within our community for exchange listing, we would like to emphasize again that BuzzShow Network project works on a clear plan and we are under no form of pressure to go on exchanges before it is right for the project. While we are determined to optimize our product and deliver on our promises, exchange listing will definitely come up at the right time.

We thank our community for the patience and amazing support we have received so far. In the coming weeks, we hope to reach a 100% completion of the Alpha facelift, the token economics integration and transition to the release and Integrated Token Sale respectively. Announcements about this will be made on all relevant channels.

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BuzzShow Blog

Developed reward based social media video network rewarding users with BuzzShow Tokens for creating, curating, sharing & viewing videos.