Blogging for Insurance Agencies

Brittany VanDerBill
2 min readSep 17, 2016


Marketing for an insurance agency can be a really tough thing to do. Between compliance regulations getting more restrictive and the time needed just to effectively manage your insurance agency, even the thought of attempting something new with your marketing plan sounds like too much of a hassle to bother with. Sound familiar?

Overwhelmed much?

Trust me, I know. I spent five years as a licensed agent in a local insurance agency and I know firsthand how busy the office can get! For several of those years, I also handled our marketing plan which included everything from designing and creating content for direct mail pieces to Facebook and social media marketing for the agency. Of course I also attended plenty of face-to-face networking events and I set up a number of coffee and lunch meetings to build relationships with prospects and referral sources. (And sometimes, I just needed some coffee!)

The one marketing strategy I didn’t try for the agency? Blogging.

I didn’t know much about blogging at the time, and I also wasn’t the agency owner and therefore didn’t have the final say on marketing and advertising. Blogging is a useful marketing tool when done correctly, and can be a tremendous resource for an insurance agency’s clients and prospects alike. Just think of all the information you can provide to your clients about insurance! The average consumer doesn’t know much about insurance, and frequently won’t even know what questions to ask. (That’s where your job as an insurance agent comes in, by the way. Client education is the foundation for any good agency!) Many consumers will use their favorite search engine to answer their insurance-related questions, and even to find your agency.

You have all kinds of insurance-related knowledge. You’ve seen so many claims and unique situations, ranging from someone shooting out a neighbor’s window by a freak ricochet incident (yes, really) to the 10-times-a-day claim you call in for a rock chip in your clients’ windshields. Why not consider creating a blog? Read a little more about this crazy idea of starting a blog for your agency.

B. VanDerBill Consulting LLC



Brittany VanDerBill

Business owner with a talent for marketing, networking, and helping small businesses succeed. Lover of all things red and sparkly.