
3 min readJul 6, 2018

Irony - once one understands it, one realises how it applies universally. It is of critical importance academically, because without it education is literally lopsided.

Irony allows the appreciation of anti-theses as they co-exist in a single scenario. The concept is applicable to every aspect of academia, because it is a consequence of aspects themselves.

Parallax error — the irony of ‘seeing straight’ with binocular vision. No two receptors ever receive the same thing.

For example, every particle has an anti-particle and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Irony allows the simultaneous perception of perspectives according to each entity. Of course, those perspectives individually do not include each other.

Only irony squares the circle

So, to return to the Newtonian analogy, the power of any movement (especially a metaphorical one) is really the work done over time against its resistance! In order to truly understand the system, therefore, one must give equal appreciation to both points of the arrows.

Without the philosopher’s stone of total truth, everyone gets their skates on in this manner.

If one takes a broad view of history (and especially the history of science) I propose that the following ‘evolution through opposition’ approaches invariance, and much of what might be construed as gains can also be called losses.

This, therefore, is why Irony matters — because the reflective realisation that one is what one opposes in mirror-image allows a revelation of the racemic mixture of reality that thereby makes sense of stereoisomers, thus suppressing stereotypes.

Both taste equally sweet, but we naturally discriminate against one on a cellular level. Why?

Two things erode education: inappropriate generalisation and inappropriate specialisation. Irony prevents both by containing counter-activity in one concept. It is what opens the ears of one saying ‘you’re not listening!’ to the sound of their own voice. It is the context that supports superposition and makes even what is ‘meaningless’ meaningful.

When irony is invisible we become what we bemoan. When we put faith in skepticism, rationally demand empiricism and empirically verify rationalism then we are being ironic. We invent ourselves as ideal materialists by making the material our ideal. Ironically, philosophy becomes ‘irrelevant’ and the extinction of etymology makes nothing mean anything.

Starting with nothing makes anything possible. Starting with certainty is the definition of prejudice. As one learns, if one hears oneself describing one’s opponent as inferior then let Irony act as the interlocutor. A sure sign that you have become what you oppose is when everything everyone else believes is ironic, but you yourself are exempt from it.

Everything is ironic.


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