Learn to Be Wise

25 min readOct 9, 2022

Would you like to be wise? What if I told you its not just gained from experience but an actual technique I can teach you in about a half hour of reading?

Long ago in ancient times people would make journeys to visit people they called wise-men or wise-women. People would come from all over with problems in hope that these wise-men or women could offer up a solution. These solutions would often be in the form of stories or comparisons. Often telling stories that would relate to the problem at hand symbolically.

For example say somebody went to one of these wise people with a problem they have. The person is exceptionally beautiful in every way but one, they have a deformed hand. Unable to cope with this flaw they seek out the famous wise man Confucius for some sage advice. Confucius says “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without” representing the problem symbolically and comparatively.

What he just did is something one gains from experience and is often referred to as wisdom but…it is also a kind of technique that can be taught and easily applied. The purpose of this article is to teach you that technique, I am going to teach you how to be wise. Not just in the way you think I am also going to teach you how to apply it and use this knowledge in everyday situations by applying a simple technique.

I am going to break you into how this technique functions slowly with simple examples then make it more complex as we go so that you can recognize whats happening (you may already be familiar with it). This is one of the many pieces of knowledge hidden away in esoteric and occult teachings. for certain those subjects are filled with the worst kind of scam artists and overblown, over spiritual fanatics who claim to have learned secret or profound knowledge. However…real knowledge and secrets do exist in those subjects.

We are going to start out with simple shapes and using the same pattern those shapes adhere to we will work our way up to complex examples to demonstrate how that pattern is still at work. One of the first techniques is to give things symbolic representations such as triangles, octagons or other geometric shapes. This process is actually an ancient practice that came about from observing mathematical patterns in nature. Termed “sacred geometry” and the “platonic solids” associated with it.

This is called “objectifying” something or turning something into an object in your mind to get another perspective on it.

Anyone unfamiliar with these concepts can familiarize themselves here:

A good example of these sacred numbers and their symbolic representations is the “holy trinity” of the christian faith which can be represented by a triangle (don’t worry I am not about to get all religious). For those of you familiar with the “occult” or other various religions you will recognize 3 being a sacred number that comes up a lot, I will demonstrate why. I don’t want to get into numerology in this but to summarize it 10 is what some ancient regions and philosophies consider gods number for instance the infamous 33 degree of freemasonry is 3 tens and 3 ones, 33 divided by 10 is 3.3 etc. They view it as a sort of perfect number because it is completely balanced.

Any shape has to have at the very least 3 sides. It is the simplest form something can take thus many religions consider it a holy number because everything else comes from it. It all has to start with 3 and I will demonstrate that to you thoroughly in the following examples.

Now lets go with some of our own “holy trinities”. I will be representing these symbolically as triangles because it is important that you see both the text and the symbolic shape so you can familiarize yourself with symbology and how this works. I am sorry if it becomes a little monotonous but it is important that you process both the symbol and the words together.

To the ancients when they used the term “soul” what they usually meant was how your body feels, your mood etc. So in this triangle you would have you mind, how you feel emotionally, and your body. How you feel or your “soul” would be the combination of mind and body in a sense.

what materials does your body need to take in for fuel to stay alive?

Soul (the electricity inside you that animates you in a sense) needs water so that the electro/chemical reactions of your nervous system can function and electricity can conduct better inside of you, body needs food so it may build itself using the material consumed, mind (your brain) needs air to function etc. These are not the only uses of these resources in the body, just examples.

You must maintain a proper balance of all three to stay healthy and they form a sort of balance. Ill keep going.

The 3 different forms of complex life. Fungus being an in between for plants and animals (philosophically) as fungus grows like a plant but can move and even solve mazes like an animal.

Watch here:

There are also 3 kingdoms of simplistic life called Protista, Eubacteria and Archaebacteria but not enough information is know about them yet to fully categorize the life that composes these kingdoms.

It appears that some of these kingdoms are up for debate or used for mere convenience. I found this:

“The remaining three Kingdoms all consist entirely of microorganisms and because we still know very little about these little critters, the organisms that are clumped together into one Kingdom may be almost entirely evolutionary unrelated.

The Kingdom Protista includes the remaining eukaryotic organisms that do not fall into Fungi, Plantae or Animalia; while Bacteria and Archaea include all the organisms with prokaryotic cells. The two latter Kingdoms are incredibly diverse, both in terms of the estimated number of species and the level of metabolic differences within each Kingdom.”

that was a quote from here: https://basicbiology.net/biology-101/kingdoms-of-life

The primary mixing colors of painting (above). All visible colors in painting are a mixture of these 3 colors.

The primary visible colors of light (above).

We can even apply this symbol to motion and how a combustion engine operates. It is both a triangle and a three step process.

Sexuality and gender are a sensitive subject in this day and age so allow me to further flesh out this one. This triangle can encompass the various gender identities easily in the form a statistic chart. If one were to use the 3 points of this triangle as a base, then the genders could be placed inside of it. Each point within it representing one of the various genders. People who are pan-sexual or gender fluid for example would simply fluctuate within the chart day to day etc.

You can even use this same system in the color triangles from earlier (Red, Green, Blue) with each point representing a different color within it as all colors are a mixture of the 3 primary colors. You could even represent genders by single colors within it and it would function the same way.

We are going to further elaborate the above trinity. In nature all life moves in a sort of circle, not literally of course but sort of symbolically. Just like in the famous movie The Lion King. It can be summed up as Life, Death, Transformation. Something lives and consumes food and materials from other dead or un-living things, then it ages and dies breaking down into materials and food for other living things.

Through this process of decomposition new life arises. Things like bugs, bacteria and fungus repurpose the dead to keep fueling life in general then things eat those animals and life goes on etc. The dead become repurposed and scattered into new forms of life, however gruesome this may be it is a sort of transformation of life. With death new life is made.

We will elaborate on this next one. This is what is know as Ohm’s Law, a mathematical formula used by electrical engineers and electricians alike for electrical mathematics and work.

The following picture is whats known as ohm’s law triangle. Using this pattern you have a visual example of how the math works when calculating voltage,resistance and current.

Read more about it here

This symbol is also used to explain the chemistry of fire.

In fact this triangle is used in many equations and works for all of them flawlessly.

We will elaborate on this example too.

Here is a more proper visual example of micro, “normal”, macro in the form of a 4 dimensional shape.

This shape encompasses micro, macro, and “normal” size. Ill explain a little so you can better understand.

Pretty easy to grasp once its drawn out I hope.

Protons and neutrons are made up of what scientists call “quarks”. Here is a wiki entry about them.

“A quark (/kwɔːrk/ KWORK or /kwɑːrk/ KWARK) is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei.[1] All commonly observable matter is composed of up quarks, down quarks and electrons. (3)

A proton is composed of two up quarks, one down quark, and the gluons that mediate the forces “binding” them together. The color assignment of individual quarks is arbitrary, but all three colors must be present; red, blue and green are used as an analogy to the primary colors that together produce a white color.”

We can go even further still. Particle families or generations also come in threes.

Read about them here:

“In particle physics, a generation or family is a division of the elementary particles. Between generations, particles differ by their flavour quantum number and mass, but their electric and strong interactions are identical.

There are three generations according to the Standard Model of particle physics. Each generation contains two types of leptons and two types of quarks. The two leptons may be classified into one with electric charge −1 (electron-like) and neutral (neutrino); the two quarks may be classified into one with charge −1⁄3 (down-type) and one with charge +2⁄3 (up-type). The basic features of quark-lepton generation or families, such as their masses and mixings etc., can be described by some of the proposed family symmetries.”

Lets take a step back from science and try a physiological example to see if this pattern still holds up in the realm of thought.

The system must be balanced as I said earlier, allow me to elaborate. In order to solve many problems you need a combination of Power, wisdom and courage.

  • With just wisdom and power you know what to do and you have the power to do it but you don’t have the courage to actually act and accomplish it.
  • With just wisdom and courage you know what to do and you have the will to do it but you don’t have the power to accomplish it.
  • With just power and courage you have the ability and will to do it but you don’t know what to do.

Seems to hold up pretty well, Even in the realm of thought things abide by these patterns.

Here’s a fun thing you can try on your own, try adding a fourth thing to these trinities and see if it works out and if it does trying adding two more things. I will visibly demonstrate why.

As you can see all of these shapes can fit into a triangle, these are some of what Pythagoras (famous mathematician and philosopher) called the geometric solids…well a 2D representation of them or their 2 dimensional counterparts. Every shape has a 2D version a 3D version and if you copy the 4D shape I showed you above then they all can be made to have a 4D representation as well. Forming a trinity, I would include “1D” but that’s a theoretical dimension not a physical one so I cant.

To further demonstrate this process I have included the following picture (though a bit of a mess) it is the visual tool Nikola Tesla used to help him with multiplication. It it is a symbolic representation of multiplication. He used it by following certain patterns and shapes, it will explain how to use it in the picture.

Notice all of those shapes illustrated in 2, 3 and 4 are the same ones that can all be made from a triangle or vice versa like in the GIF? Tesla is using symbology. This is more or less exactly how the system works, everything follows a sort of pattern.

Now that we have seen that reality and its many facets can follow patterns lets try our hand at applying this knowledge. Since everything adheres to these patterns we should be able to solve a variety of objectively similar problems using the same method right? For the following problems we will use a single method or solution.

Picture the following…

  • A painting of a crowd of people, you try to appreciate this painting from 200 feet away but you cant make out the details. You move closer to the painting and as you do the details come into focus and you can appreciate its beauty more because you can see more of it. Get to close though and you cant see all of it or it becomes blurry, it stretches outside your field of view and you can no longer see the entire painting.
  • Listening to music, you try listen to it but the volume is very low. You cant make out all of the instruments playing or in some cases cant hear them at all. So you begin to turn the volume up, as you do you can make out more of the song and hear more of it. Thus you can appreciate it more because you can hear more of it. Make it to loud though and it will just turn into noise.
  • Tuning the radio, you try to listen to your favorite station but its coming in fuzzy. So you take the dial tuning nob and start tuning it into the right position so that the station comes in more clearly. The closer you get to the right frequency the more clearly it comes in. It has to be just right though because if you go to far on either side it will come in fuzzy.
  • Reading a book, you try reading a book but it uses a lot of words you don’t understand or know. You really want to read it though so you brush up on your vocabulary and learn new words. This allows you to understand the book more clearly because you can more clearly understand the story. However if you become incredibly well read then the books with more simplistic story’s or word structures will become boring or stupid to you and you wont want to read them, like reading a children’s book as an adult is less enjoyable then when you are a child.
  • A video game on PC, you have a bad computer so the graphics on your game are terrible and you have a hard time enjoying the games you play. So you buy a new video card and turn the graphics all the way up. This allows you to turn on features that you could not before so you are able to enjoy the game more. However if you just focus on how the game looks and keep trying to improve it then you wont actually enjoy the game as much because you will always view it as flawed and it becomes work thus diminishing the actual enjoyment you get from it.
  • A language, first the language only has a few words so communication is pretty basic and in-detailed. So they decided to add new words for more specific things. Now the language is able to better communicate what it needs to because its capable of giving more detailed descriptions etc. However if the person you are talking to does not understand all those words then you wont communicate well at all. Like explaining something to a child with elaborate or scientific wording, sometimes it is better to explain things in a simplistic way so that the listener can get a better grasp on what is trying to be communicated to them, you have to find the right balance for the most efficient communication.

All of those problems can be solved in the same way. You simply find the counter point to the solution in another problem then follow the same method, this method is balance. Its counterpoints in each example are distance for the painting, volume for music, tuning for the radio, a proper vocabulary level for the book, a video card for the game and a mutual understanding of words for the language being spoken between two people.

All the same objective problems, all the same objective solutions. Like a pattern but this pattern is called balance.

Now lets try even more complex examples and see if this kinda of pattern still works. Ill start with 6 problems that are objectively the same and after we will attempt to solve them the same objective way using the counterpoints in those problems.

1. An overweight man starts suffering multiple health problems as he ages, he gets no exercise and constantly overeats. As he ages his body is less able to cope with the extra weight and because of this its bodily systems start to falter and break down. Weak knees and strained joints, heart problems, sleep apnea/breathing problems, etc. He goes to the doctors to try and get help and they prescribe him drugs or other medical solutions for his various problems.

However new problems keep springing up and the problems he has tried to deal with persist and are only pacified by the medical treatments and prescription drugs he receives. These treatments are mere “band-aids”, in a way. All of his problems (in this example) stem from being overweight and because that problem is left unchecked new problems will keep spawning from it and the old ones will persist without constant monitoring and treatment. Eventually if these problems keep arising his body will give way and he will die.

2. A camper is having a fire in the middle of the forest, it is surrounded by some dead leaves and brush. Small sparks from the fire keep shooting out and starting smaller fires around the main fire. To deal with this the camper runs around extinguishing the smaller fires as they appear. However since the main fire is still burning the sparks keep popping out and starting new fires. The camper has to constantly monitor the fire and put “band-aids” on the situation by constantly extinguishing the smaller ones. If these small fires keep burning the brush eventually there will be no more brush to burn and only barren ground will remain.

3. An ignorant and uneducated population keeps voting in politicians who don’t serve the voters best interests and are corrupt. These corrupt politicians then go forth and cause problems for the people and their government because they are corrupt or selfish (a very familiar situation). The people get fed up with it and vote in new politicians. However because the populations is ignorant and uneducated they just vote in another corrupt selfish politician. Things eventually go bad and the problems persist so they keep voting in new politicians.

They keep slapping a “band-aid” on their government and society in the form of politicians. Sometimes these politicians fix or solve the problems they promise to but new problems keep arising and some persist because the main problem of the population being ignorant and uneducated is never dealt with so they keep making bad decisions on who to let run things. If these problems persist and new ones keep arising then eventually the government will collapse or fail.

4. A restaurant has a chef who keeps burning the food and messing up the orders. Customers start complaining and leaving so to make up for it the restaurant comps their food or gives them a free meal. Whatever “band-aid they can slap on the situation. However the restaurant has to constantly work to appease these unhappy customers because the chef continues to screw up the orders.

Every day new orders are screwed up because the main problem is not dealt with (the chef). If this keeps up then nobody will come back and the restaurant will go out of business.

5. A large chunk of the population of an imaginary isolated town (with no global economy or stock market) is poor because the only work they can find is for a business who underpays them. These people are poor and because of it face constant problems and suffer daily. In response to this the peoples government decides to give them a stimulus check of $100. This is about a weeks pay to these poor people. The money helps for a week and the poor peoples problems are partially alleviated, they can afford a nice meal for a few days or even some leisure items.

However it’s not enough money to really make a difference in their lives outside of being able to afford trivial pleasures for a week etc. After the week has gone by the money is gone and the people face the same problems and suffrage they did before the governments stimulus (band-aid). If this keeps up then this town will turn into a slum or the workers will have to leave town etc.

6. A man suffers from anger issues because he has un-dealt with trauma in his life. He is so angry all the time he unintentionally starts taking it out on his friends and family or those around him. He does not wish to do this but cant help it, so he is very fast to apologize and tries his best to undo the damage hes done to his relationships with anger. Buys people a gift or simply apologizes, maybe tries to be nicer to that person on purpose etc. However he is still angry inside so he keeps taking it out on people and has to keep trying to make up for it when he does.

Pretty different situations right? yes and no. Some are physical problems and others like the one with politics only take place in the mind or in social structures and are imaginary. Lets make symbolic representations of these problems to get another perspective on them. We will objectify them.

Now we can do the obvious thing and remove the source of these problems thus eliminating the other problems that spring from them.

That would obviously work for these problems, so if that method works for all of those problems then theoretically another method would work for all of them too right? Lets test this theory to see if they adhere to the same pattern. Each of these examples is being perpetuated by the people trying to fix it by putting “band-aids” on the problems. They are not lasting or permanent solutions and require further attention, like a band-aid eventually falls off and has to be replaced. So lets go with that method but we will turn those “band-aids” into “super band-aids”.

A super band aid.

Now we will apply our solution to each problem and see if it works.

1. Instead of telling the overweight man to get healthy and exercise the doctors give him (for the sake of this example) an new type of super drug that enhances his heart and lungs to super human levels. These new enhanced organs causes the man to be more energetic and alert, move faster and jump higher enhancing his muscles with the higher oxygen levels etc. Because of this he starts to move around more and gets in more exercise. Thus eventually losing the weight and solving the main problem without addressing it directly. He would not have to stop overeating (how you get fat usually), he could just burn those calories as he exercised with his theoretical super limbs.

2. Instead of dowsing the main fire the camper gets a gigantic bathtub full of water and dumps it on one of the smaller flames besides the campfire. This is so much water that it overflows from the little fire onto the main campfire and extinguishes both of them. “Solving” the problem of the big campfire.

3. The ignorant population keeps voting in bad leaders. So we find ourselves (hypothetically of course) the perfect leader. One who actually cares about these ignorant people and wants to lead them to a brighter future so to speak. As a true leader does and would do, this person leads the population out of ignorance by bolstering education and holding virtue and understanding as high ideals. This bolstering eventually snuffs out the ignorance and the population starts voting in leaders who represent the peoples best interests. Thus fewer problems arise for them and the old problems are solved and dealt with.

4. Instead of firing the cook the restaurant decides to offer its customers free drinks (alcoholic drinks and otherwise). The customers are happy to be saving money or drunk enough to not care about the foods bad quality and because free drinks are not common the customers keep coming back.

5. Instead of a $100 check they get one for $100,000. This allows them to buy a house or get a better education with college. Pay for medical expenses and eat healthy food, they have enough money for a little leisure activities and eventually some of them pull themselves out of poverty. An unlikely scenario with just the $100 stimulus. They even get enough money together to start a new business and the owners co op the business with all the poor people in town so poverty there is mostly eliminated (ideally of course).

6. The angry man is not going to anger management or counseling, instead hes going to do a super apology. One person who he takes his anger out on gets upset with him and instead of a regular apology he lets it all out. His deepest pains, explains why hes angry and begins to cry, apologizing profusely the entire time. (Ideally) the person who he apologizes to understands his plight and lets the man know that they are there for them and together they can work through this.

The person then contacts the other people in this angry persons life and explains what happened and the situation. Now everyone understands this mans anger and they are better able to help him deal with it by calling it out when it happens or trying to comfort him. This love that the man feels from these people actually caring about his problems eventually mitigates the anger he feels towards people and the people see through the anger and are no longer hurt as easily by it because they see that the angry man is a hurt person….though the angry man should still seek help for his mental anguish.

So our theory did work and these patterns still apply even in complex situations. We used the same method of the “super band-aid” to solve all of those problems. All you have to do is recognize the counterpoints in the problems, then apply a likewise solution.

If you put the different parts of these problems in the form of symbols you would have the same type of formula they use in chemistry, or cooking…or computer programming. You could represent any of these problems mathematically as well.

This pattern is further demonstrable in some of the most extreme circumstances. Such as at a celestial and atomic level.

The left image was captured by the James Webb Telescope, and the right is a small artificial sun from the “Safire Project”.

No matter the size or complexity they still adhere to the same kinds of patterns because everything starts at the same simplistic level and because of this everything unfolds or grows/develops in similar patterns as well.

This also demonstrates that both the mind and physical space adhere to the same patterns and thus can be dealt with in similar ways. Allow me to elaborate.

The top picture is what was known as Alchemy, a kind of primitive chemistry. Alchemy is in fact the theology of chemistry. Meaning they represented chemical formulas, solutions, techniques etc as symbols, people and stories.

So what this means to this paper and these patterns is that you can apply these same chemical processes to the mind and its processes and yield similar results as their physical counterparts. I will give the chemical definition and follow it up with the mental counterpoint or example.

Solution, the act of passing from a gaseous or solid condition into one of liquidity. The state of being dissolved.

Mind — A method or process of dealing with a problem

Filtration, the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles suspended in it. To sort, sift, or isolate

Mind — Mental filtering is a cognitive distortion where we disregard and discard all the positive aspects of any given situation and focus on the negative aspects only.

Evaporation, the changing or converting from a liquid or solid state with the aid of heat.

Mind — A vanishing away; gradual departure or disappearance; dissipation, as of vapor. The quality of being evanescent; liability to vanish and escape observation or possession: as, the evanescence of mist or dew; the evanescence of earthly hopes.

Distillation, an operation by which a volatile liquid may be separated from substances which it holds in solution. The process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation.

Mind — The act or process of purifying; the removal of impurities over and over again. The act of purifying; the act of freeing from impurities, or from whatever is heterogeneous or foreign: as, the purification of liquors or of metals. A cleansing the mind of guilt; the extinguishment of “evil” desire as something which does not belong in your mind or something you wish to rid yourself of.

Separation, the operation of disuniting or decomposing substances. The act or process of moving apart or forcing something apart.

Mind — The process of sorting or distinguishing into different components, groups, or categories. The act of separating, removing, or disconnecting one thing from another; a dis-joining or dis-junction: as,the separation of the good from the bad.

Rectification, the process of refining or purifying any substance by repeated distillation.

Mind — to rectify or set right. To make right or straight; correct when wrong, erroneous, or false; amend: as, to rectify errors, mistakes, or abuses: sometimes applied to persons.

Calcination, the conversion into a powder or calx by the action of heat; expulsion of the volatile substance from a matter. Calcination, the heating of solids to a high temperature for the purpose of removing volatile substances, oxidizing a portion of mass, or rendering them friable. Calcination, therefore, is sometimes considered a process of purification.

Mind — The same as purification with slightly different substance. You could find a corresponding mental example if pressed but I do not want to split hairs to much.

Commixtion, the blending of different ingredients into one compound or mass. Mixture; a blending, uniting, or combining of different ingredients in one mass or compound.

Mind — The same thing as combining, sometimes our thoughts or emotions can combine together to make new ones. Not a hard example to find in your mind.

Purification (through putrefaction), disintegration by spontaneous decomposition; decay by artificial means. The state of being rotted

Mind — We will go with the definition of putrefaction, moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.

Inhibition, the process of stopping or retarding a chemical reaction.

Mind — Conscious or unconscious restraint of a behavioral process, desire, or impulse. the process of holding back or restraining.

Fermentation, the conversion of organic substances into new compounds in the presence of a ferment.

Mind — Unrest; agitation, excitement provoked by a single “agitator”. This could be a person, place, thought, experience etc.

Fixation, the act or process of ceasing to be a fluid and becoming firm; state of fixed being.

Mind — A strong attachment to a person or thing, manifested in an immature or pathological way.

Multiplication, the act or process of multiplying or increasing in number; the state of being multiplied.

Mind — If you want to be happy you could thinking only happy thoughts or look for things to be happy about, increase your exposure to something mentally usually propagates more of those thoughts etc.

Projection, the process of transmuting the base metals into gold. This one is harder to define in a physical way, ideally and theoretically it is when something links up mentally, physically, and spiritually. A prediction based on known evidence and observations.

Mind — The attribution of one’s own attitudes, feelings, or suppositions to others, thought in psychoanalytic theory to be an unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt. The attribution to another person or object the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself.

As you can see its pretty demonstrable that existence and the universe “unfolds” in a set way following a kind of pattern that everything is part of. With this knowledge and using these kind of techniques you will find that you do not come across problems you cannot find a solution to. As you gain more experience in life you will have more things to compare to and will be better able to apply this technique. This is one of the greatest teachings of the occult or mystery schools of ancient times.

They would symbolically represent this teaching a few different ways but one of the most common is using the lotus flower or unfolding flower. The idea being that like a flower the universe also unfolds in a similar predictable pattern as it blooms or grows. It is one of the “keys” to the universe.

Use this information…wisely.

