The bioenzyme revolution

Why I believe in bioenzymes to stir a revolution

Varsha Rao
6 min readJul 17, 2021

One fine Sunday morning while I was busy cleaning the bathroom with powerful disinfectants like Lyzol and Harpic, I paused for a moment to think about the effects of releasing these “potent” chemicals into water bodies. I did not know the exact effects but a bad feeling lingered with me every time I saw frothy foamy water from laundry, dishes, and other household cleaning agents. It finally compelled me to Google for other natural alternatives. And that’s how I got introduced to Bioenzymes and fell in love with them. End of story.

Well, not really, it was just the beginning. It took a few days for this idea to sync in, before I sprang to action of making and using them myself.

What was wrong with my current cleaning routine?

Before I dive into the heavy term, “bioenzyme”, let me talk about conventional cleaning products that are widely used without any thought. I took a look at the ingredients of the most famous Indian cleaning products, Harpic and Vim: Hydrochloric Acid (10.5% w/v): even a 7th grader knows how strong this acid is, has a corrosive effect on human tissues and can cause irreversible contact damage to the skin, eyes, lungs and other internal organs upon contact. I have grouped all other chemicals together after researching a bit on each of them individually. Hydroxyethyl oleylamine, Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC), Sodium LAS, Sodium SLES:skin and eye irritants, causes breathing problems if inhaled. Extremely dangerous if swallowed, it is recommended that you remove your contact lenses and consult your physician immediately if even a couple of droplets come in contact. It is toxic for aquatic animals. Butylated HydroxyToluene (BHT): It is a synthetic antioxidant that also used in cosmetics (lipsticks, moisturisers), food preservatives along with toilet cleaners. It is only toxic for humans in large quantities but what about the tiny aquatic creatures that get exposed to these chemicals as we drain them everyday?

Screenshot of ingredients and cautionary statement in Harpic
Screenshot of the ingredients and the cautionary statement that it is a very dangerous cleaner

Even though these might seem harmless in less quantities, imagine how much of these chemicals get released into water bodies from all households every single day? (Bengaloreans, think of Bellandur lake) I’m not even getting into chemicals from factories, as there’s nothing direct I can do about it. Now think, if all of us become aware of the damage and start switching to better alternatives. Firstly there would be less of these harmful stuff released from households. And more importantly, it will reduce the demand for these products causing the factories that manufacture them to reduce the pollution caused in making them. Doesn’t it sound like a revolution now? But for it to become a reality, more and more individuals like me and you need to make the switch and inspire others to do the same.

And now, unveiling the power of Bio-enzymes

Wikipedia definition of enzyme (recall 10th grade biology :P) Enzymes (/ˈɛnzaɪmz/) are proteins that act as biological catalysts (biocatalysts). Catalysts accelerate chemical reactions. And therefore, bioenzymes are nothing but organic solutions (made using fruits, sugar and water) that act as catalysts to breakdown complex organic wastes, urine, grease, stains by becoming “food” for bacteria to digest and break down into two basic compounds — carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). There are various benefits to using bio-enzymatic cleaners:

  1. They are safer for the environment and human health compared to other chemical products.
  2. The micro-organisms (bacteria) can penetrate into very small cracks and crevices and eliminate soils and malodors that traditional chemicals often cannot remove.
  3. The bacteria and enzymes are left as residuals and can keep working for up to 80 hours after application, ensuring that soils and malodors are fully removed.
  4. Through natural competition for food and resources, the non-pathogenic “good” bacteria can help to displace pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, which benefits human health.

Bio-enzymatic cleaners are great in various applications. They can be used as general surface cleaners, restroom cleaners, carpet spotters, odour eliminators, and more. Bio-enzymatic cleaners are especially good for use in restrooms because they can eliminate malodors caused from urine, and they can easily penetrate into grouted surfaces to remove soils and malodors that have worked their way into the grout. (Source: Multi-Clean Bio-Enzymatic Cleaners: How Do They Work? — Multi-Clean)

So far so good, but how do I make them?

This is the simplest part of this article. All you need is 3 extremely common ingredients in this perfect proportion - 1:3:10

  1. Jaggery 100 grams
  2. Citrus peels (Lemon, orange etc) 300 grams (just keep collecting them in refrigerator after using the pulp)
  3. Water 1000 ml or 1L
  4. Yeast — 1tsp (optional)

Put all of this in a large used plastic bottle such that there is enough space at the top for gas to be formed. Close the lid tight and wait for 1 month if you added yeast, 3 months otherwise. In the first week, you have to open the lid once a day to release the gas. Do it every 2–3 days in the second week. You will notice a white film being formed, thats the bacteria doing its job. You might get an acidic smell when you open during the fermentation process, but once its done the end product will have a pleasant citrusy smell. At the end of 1 or 3 months (depending on whether you used yeast) strain the liquid and store it in any old containers that perviously had store bought cleaners. Thats it! It’s as simple, time and cost effective as it gets. To make it more fragrant you can also add essential oils like tea tree, lavender etc. They come with their own set of benefits.

Bottle containing all ingredients in the right proportion, marked as 7th June
Setting my solution for the magic to begin
My first batch of bio enzyme solution

You can use this on any damn thing in your house, including pets, plants and yourself. It can be used as shampoo and body wash too. Pro tip: soak a few soapnuts (Reetha in hindi) in this solution overnight or boil soapnuts in water to create soapnut solution and add it to bionezyme solution. You can now use this as dishwasher, shampoo, pet wash and body wash. (For additional hair benefits, add shikakai and dried gooseberry/amla to the shampoo).

All in all you can use it clean toilets, floor tiles, kitchen platform, laundry, dishes, body, hair etc. It’s a natural insect repellent, so you don’t need to purchase insecticides. It can also be added in the water for plants, to keep pests away. There are a few eco friendly companies that have started selling them, so you don’t even have to wait for months to start using it. I have used it multiple times on my skin and hair with no side-effects but if you are sensitive, use it with discretion.

Now that we are all at home most of the time, making this was a good use my leisure time.(total time was about 30–45 minutes). It felt so satisfying to finally use something that I had myself. If you have kids at home, this could be great science project for them. I’m sure they will get a lot of happiness and satisfaction in it. I will leave you with the hope that at some point you will also bid adieu to conventional cleaners and start using bioenzyme solution instead. Long live Bioenzymes 😁

A picture of the author after using bioenzyme cleaner
A happy and satisfied me after using bioenzyme solution on my hair

