What Is Anosmia?

Girl Who Cant Smell
4 min readDec 9, 2018

Had you ever previously heard about anosmia? If you are like most readers, your answer is probably no. What is anosmia? Anosmia is the lack of sense of smell. Anosmia is a rare condition and most people are usually shocked to find out it even exists. What’s even more shocking, is when a close friend or loved one discloses they have it. While it can be surprising, recent studies show there are approximately 30 million people affected by a smell and taste disorder in the United States. Specifically, an estimated 6 million of these have a complete and total loss of smell. Anosmia affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. It is an invisible condition that remains unknown (for the most part) and is consequently, also misunderstood.

There are two types of anosmics; congenital (since birth) and acquired (lost later in life). Each type shares an overall commonality but are both ultimately, different experiences. Personally, I am a congenital anosmic. I have never been able to recall what it is like to smell my favorite food, or to make sense of any scents. It is yet unclear if I am missing my olfactory bulb, or never developed my nasal receptors (I’ve never received an official diagnosis with an MRI or CAT scan, but may undergo these in the…



Girl Who Cant Smell

The “Girl Who Can’t Smell” has been blogging about anosmia since 2015. She offers funny stories, memes and tips on her website www.girlwhocantsmell.com.