Mar 31, 2017

I kissed you
I liked that you kissed me back.
It was nice feeling loved for a while.

Even if it was only for a month.

I liked how you said the right words for me to fall for you
How you’d hug me, how you’d hold my hand
How you’d kiss me on every spot you could kiss

I loved how we stopped kissing just because a Taylor Swift song was blaring on the speakers
And I also loved that we sang every single word of it from the beginning to the end
And how we laughed at the thought of it afterwards

I still remember when you called me on the phone and said “let’s do this”.
I liked the way you said it twice
And how good it felt on my heart

If I could turn back on time to change anything, I wouldn’t change a thing
Because us splitting apart wasn’t my fault
Not completely
It was mostly because of you
You ruined it. You ruined me.

I guess it’s appropiate to say I still miss what we used to be but I don’t miss you, not even a single bit.