8 Days Without Push Notification Here’s What Happened

Challa Fletcher-Harris
4 min readOct 5, 2018
Smartphone Social Media found on pxHere

I never thought about my smartphone app’s push notifications. Either all of my apps default to the push notifications or I am clicking buttons without reading options. That being said, push notifications can be numerous if you think about how many apps you have on your phone. Facebook alone can send multiple notifications in a day. This can become overwhelming.

Jason Koebler, in his article “Turn Off Push Notifications,” wrote that he disabled many of the apps on his phone and has not looked back. Koebler states that turning off his notifications have allowed him to use his phone more intentionally.

It has been many years since my smartphone has been solely for the purpose of calls, text messages, and maybe one low-res game. I was late to the world of Facebook. I didn’t join the social media site until after finishing college. From there, it was a steady climb to countless social media apps (some stayed and some gone), multiple emails, productivity tools, and more; receiving push notifications from every one of them.

I have experienced being overwhelmed by my phone’s notifications. The constant beep of my phone because of events on my Google calendar drove me to develop the habit of bullet journaling. This helped the push notification anxiety, but it was not enough.

