Phum Viphurit: A True Lover Boy

3 min readJan 27, 2022


The internet can be a powerful and life changing tool for small Indie artists. For Thai-born, New Zealand-raised artist Phum Viphurit, his hit song “Lover Boy,” led him to fame as people fell in love with his laid back persona and relatable lyrics. Gaining more popularity and recognition, Phum never failed to please his fans as he stayed respectful, thankful and true to himself; never changing or altering his personality to fit the expectations of others.

Dressed in a loose, blue-striped shirt and cream colored pants with his electric guitar in hand, Phum excitedly walked onto the small stage of La Santa, a bar located in the Downtown Santa Ana Historic District. Fans flooded the room as I had even noticed a few Thai fans and their parents in the crowd.

From the blue and orange fading lights to the hollers from within the crowd, the smiling man on stage had the audience in awe as he performed his most famous song, and personally one of my favorites, “Lover Boy.”

Immediately getting into the first set, Phum effortlessly broke into a guitar instrumental, proceeding to perform his song “Paper Throne,” a song about not falling for the “mold” or stereotypes that many people are told to follow in today’s society. Phum and his band mates worked together to help build the easy going yet passionate atmosphere. Embedded throughout the show, Phum individually showcased his band members and gave them solo stages to show off their individual skills. They constantly supported and cheered each other on; Swaying their bodies, singing along, and clapping their hands to the rhythm, the crowd began to follow along with them.

Indie Artist, Phum Viphurit, performs on stage at La Santa located in Santa Ana, California.
Indie artist, Phum Viphurit, performs on stage during his U.S. and Canada Tour in 2019. Photo by me.

From the blue and orange fading lights to the hollers from within the crowd, the smiling man on stage had the audience in awe as he performed his most famous song, and personally one of my favorites, “Lover Boy;” Once as a slowed down and intimate version with the crowd and once as an upbeat version with his band. The addictive tambourine introduction and outstanding guitar added to the fresh feeling of the lyrics as he proceeded to thank the crowd for their constant support.

Staying back after his concert, Phum greeted and took individual pictures with all his fans in the venue. Being one of the youngest people there, I freaked out as I stood next to him to take a picture. His tall and relaxed demeanor made it extremely easy to approach him and thank him for the amazing show he put forth.

From strumming the chords of his electric guitar to exceptionally hitting every note in his songs, as well as interacting with the crowd, Phum Viphurit’s fame never stopped him from being the forever-grateful and laid back artist he originally set out to be; Bowing down and thanking every fan for their never-ending support as they left the venue.

This story was submitted to the New York Times 7th Annual Creative Review Contest.




I am a high school student and I enjoy taking pictures, doing art, collecting albums, and hanging out with friends and family.