Most Precious Gift

Jason Byers
1 min readNov 18, 2014


All of the things I thought I’d never be

A good father

A good husband

A good version of me

To take a look at a glance, I never thought I had a chance.

My behavior was reprehensibly

My thought incomprehensible

I wasn't at all sensible

For reasons unknown to me God gave me his grace.

Thankfully the prayers of others didn’t go to waste

Finally my own life, I have a taste

My beautiful wife and family I could never replace

One day I hope to see God’s face

For the man I once was there is barley a trace


Today I know my place

A sense of belonging and purpose have been given to me

My responsibility I will not flee

So I will give back to God what belongs to thee

Thank You for your mercy and for remembering me

I hope to be a good servant to my fellows

To You

The ones I love

And to me

Thank You God I’m finally free.

Jason Byers

