AirBnb’s ‘Live There’ Campaign

Brennan Roche
2 min readJun 14, 2022


Airbnb’s “Live There” campaign was one of the most significant marketing campaigns from my internship brand. The multi-platform campaign encouraged people to live like locals when they travel, rather than just being tourists who stay in hotels. The TV commercials featured people from all over the world sharing their favorite places to live, and the print ads showed pictures of Airbnb listings with the tagline “Live There.” The website was also updated with a new look and feel that made it more user-friendly and showcased listings from around the world.


In AirBnb’s “Live There” branding initiative, their commercial said “don’t go to Paris, don’t do Paris. Live in Paris.” Promoting that AirBnb allows you to do your normal routine in a normal house, and live somewhere else. They say “When you AirBnb in Paris, you have your own home. Make your bed. Cook. You know, the stuff you normally do.” (AirBnb)


Overall, the campaign was very successful in promoting Airbnb as a unique travel experience that allows you to live like a local. The TV commercials were especially well done and really captured the essence of the campaign. The website redesign was also very successful and made it much easier for people to find and book Airbnb listings.


Dexigner, “Airbnb Launches ‘Live There’ Campaign”

