Luke O'SullivaninFanDuel LifeRunning remote design workshopsA quick how-to guide for running successful remote workshopsMar 23, 2020Mar 23, 2020
Luke O'SullivaninUX CollectiveTips on improving your empty state designsEmpty states occur during user journeys when a product or app has nothing to display. This lack of data or content can occur for a variety…Feb 14, 2020Feb 14, 2020
Luke O'SullivaninUX CollectiveUI/UX Case Study: Designing an improved MyFitnessPal ExperienceFor me, the MyFitnessPal app has been instrumental in my ongoing health and fitness journey. But that is not to say its perfect …Jul 26, 20183Jul 26, 20183
Luke O'SullivanDefining Design ThinkingAs I make my initial forays into the world of design and User Experience in a professional sense, I have found myself doing a lot of…Apr 15, 2018Apr 15, 2018