Dubai Airport Jobs

William Holman
2 min readJul 5, 2019


Never give up if you are out of school and looking for a job,” says Jones. “Do not go out on two or three interviews, then go home and sit and wait. You will never get called for Dubai airport jobs that way.” Follow the example of the ant and “see its ways and become wise,” the Bible advises. Ants are persistent and determined.

Have you ever put your foot in the pathway of an ant? The ant will not turn back but will try one way and then another, or will even try to climb over your foot. The ant will not easily give up. Neither should you if you really want a job.

Sal was looking for a job for seven months before he was hired. How did he do it? “I would tell myself: ‘My job is to find a job,’” explains Sal. “I would spend eight hours a day each weekday for seven months looking for a Emirates job. I would start early each morning and ‘work’ till four o’clock in the afternoon.

Many nights my feet would be sore. The next morning I would have to ‘psych myself up’ to start looking again.”

What kept Sal from quitting? “Every time I was in a personnel office,” he answers, “I would remember what Jesus said: ‘Exert yourselves vigorously.’ I would keep thinking that one day I will be working and that this bad time would pass.” For Sal it did pass when he got Canada job vacancies. It can for you, too, if you do not give up.

Where to Find Jobs

If you live in a rural area, your job search could start with local farms and orchards, or you can look for some type of yard work. If you live in a large town or city, try looking in the newspaper help-wanted ads. Why the help-wanted ads?

These clues can tell you what qualifications are needed for a certain job and can help you to explain to the employer why you can fill those needs. Teachers, employment agencies, personnel offices and friends or neighbors who already have a job are other sources you can tap.

And do not forget your parents. Of 160,000 teenagers surveyed, 45 percent said they would like parental advice on getting a job.

