Oh, so Kanye really is crazy

It’s fuxxed up when your mind’s playing tricks on you

Byron Crawford
5 min readFeb 24, 2016

It could be that the reason Kanye West has been acting like he’s been off his meds for the past few weeks is that he really is off his meds. On the song “FML” on the Life of Pablum he mentions being “off his Lexapro.” Since the album dropped, people have googled this and, come to find out, he mentioned being on Lexapro on a song by Vic Mensa (whoever that is) a year ago.

In the past few days, many a think piece has surfaced congratulating Kanye for having the bravery to admit that he’s been taking crazy pills, suggesting that it’s perfectly fine and normal to do so, and generally trying to figure out what this all means, including similarly titled articles at Noisey and the terrible new MTV News. Today’s music journalists, it seems, are quite familiar with mental health issues.

This explains so much.

I was hardly surprised to learn that Kanye’s been taking crazy pills. I suspected that he was drugged up as far back as when Yeezus dropped, and I said as much in Kanye West Superstar, except I figured it may have been Thorazine.

In fact, I pointed out that Lamar Odom had been drugged by the Kardashians a good year before the incident in the brothel.

A while back, I read Mike Tyson’s book Undisputed Truth, in which he discusses — among many, many other things — how Robin Givens used to keep him doped up on Thorazine, the better to separate him from his money.

He was doped up that time the two of them were interviewed by Barbara Walters (not that guy who’s always interviewing Dame Dash), when she was telling all of those bullshit lies about how Mike used to put a shoe on her. Baba Wawa asked her, if Mike Tyson was really beating the brakes off of her, how come her face didn’t look like a side of beef in Rocky. She said that, because he’s such an expert fighter, he knows ways to beat people up without leaving a mark.

I remember watching that when I was maybe nine years old and wondering how that could possibly work. It hadn’t occurred to me, at that point, that a woman might not be telling the truth, especially if she’s trying to get money from a man.

I saw that same blank expression, and that same weird white-and-yet-inarticulate speech pattern, in Kanye West, when he was interviewed by Kris Jenner on an episode of her short-lived daytime TV talk show. He’d obviously been drugged.

It makes me wonder what he did for the Kardashians to have felt it necessary to dose him with a tranquilizer. Maybe it was a preemptive measure, after what happened with OJ. It’s a known fact that OJ used to hit Kris Jenner (not with his fists, with his peen), and Khloe Kardashian might be his daughter.

They’ve been with enough black men to know that it’s sometimes necessary to take precautions.

So it’s hardly a surprise that Kanye is mental, to the point where he’s got to take meds for it, but why is he singing about it on his album? This could be a cry for help.

A followup to Yeezus was supposed to drop way back in the fall of 2014, around the same time as Ferguson, but aside from a few garbage stray songs here and there, it never appeared. He even appeared on a few magazine covers around that time. My book was scheduled to coincide with that album, and I lost money as a result.

In retrospect, it may have been the crazy pills interrupting his creative process. He went on them to stop flipping out on people, backhanding Kim Kardashian, exposing himself to people, or whatever he was doing, but one of the results of taking those pills is that it ruins your creativity.

It’s one of the reasons millennials don’t have anything worthwhile to offer the world. Their parents had them on all kinds of ADD meds (which are really just methamphetamine) since they were in pre-school, and now all they can do is go on the Internets and police people’s language and invent new genders on Facebook.

I’m only a year older, but I don’t recall there being anything like that when I was in grade school. Back then, if a kid had to take meds, it meant that he (or she!) was crazier than a mofo. Like, biting people crazy. If you couldn’t stay focused in class, that just meant that you were dumb.

Kanye had to go off his meds if he was every going to complete the Life of Pablum. That’s why he was still working on it up until the point where it had supposedly already been released two days before, and that’s why he’s engaged in all kinds of wacky behavior surround the album’s release, declaring Bill Cosby innocent via Twitter, going off on the cast of SNL, asking Mark Zuckerberg to let him hold something (nullus), so on and so forth.

He must have been right in the thick of it when Rhymefest saw whatever he saw that caused him to declare, on Twitter, that he can’t work with Kanye anymore until Kanye gets some help. Whatever it was, it must have been sexual in nature. I can hardly think of anything that could transpire between two men that would cause one guy to discuss it on Twitter as if it were ‘Nam, other than unannounced exposure to the other guy’s peen.

I’m actually more concerned about Kanye now that I know that he’s sought treatment for his, erm, issues, than I was when I just thought he was kind of an a-hole.

Contrary to what you might read in a think piece at Jezebel, it’s not cool or normal to be taking crazy pills. Certainly, you shouldn’t be able to get a job as a journalist, telling people what to think, when you can’t even get out of bed in the morning without being medicated.

If you have to take crazy pills, it means that there’s something wrong with your thought process, by definition. It should almost be illegal for you to give advice. If people on crazy pills can’t make good music, how can someone on them tell whether an album is any good? I’d like to see the medical records of some of the kids working at Pitchfork.

I’m also concerned with the fact that Kanye now has kids. Not only will they one day watch Kim K Superstar, but who knows what Kanye might do to them. Crazy pills make you suicidal, and they also make you want to commit mass murder.

It’s a known fact (easily confirmable via Infowars) that many of the most effective recent school shooters, including the kid who shot up Sandy Hook, were taking prescription meds similar to the one Kanye is on, and the drug companies are paying the media to cover this up.

I’d suggest that he leave those pills alone, but going off your meds can cause you to be even more mental than you were when you went on them. The key for him might be to get on a steady dosage, monitored by a medical professional and also law enforcement, and just stick with it. He won’t be able to record another album, but I think I’ll manage to survive.

Originally published at www.byroncrawford.com on February 24, 2016.



Byron Crawford

Best-selling author of The Mindset of a Champion, Infinite Crab Meats and NaS Lost http://amazon.com/author/byroncrawford @byroncrawford