The daily use of embedded systems in our lives

Ted Conner
3 min readNov 7, 2016


We use embedded systems in our day to day life without even knowing it. As a matter of fact, 98% of the microprocessors work as a part of embedded systems. For example, the washing machine that you probably have at home the one that detects when to wash and when to rinse your clothes and for exactly how long works because of an embedded system. All the things that appear to be automatic to us actually works with the help of embedded systems. However, before you know how embedded systems work, you need to know what they are.

What are embedded systems and how they work

Embedded systems are something that has a dedicated function. So before you know about embedded systems you need to know what dedicated functions are. If there is one thing, and one thing only that a system is supposed to do, then the functions of the system are known as dedicated system. For example, a computer is supposed to lots of stuff, like mathematical calculations, web surfing, media player, document formatting and many more. So a computer or a PC as we know it is not a embedded system. To make these systems, you need embedded product development company who specialise in this.

Embedded Product Development Company

There are many advantages of using an embedded systems. Some of the most common advantages are the power intake of this is very low, it is smaller in size than a multi-purpose system. Also, if you mass produce an embedded system, the prices are pretty low. For all these things, you need a professional embedded product development company to help you out. If it is not a efficient development of these embedded systems, and if you do not have a very clear idea about what you exactly want to do with the system, things will not work out. All the advantages of embedded systems will be nullified.

Product engineering and why it is required for developing embedded systems

Product engineering simple needs to mass production of things with an intent of selling it and making a profit out of it. That is the jest of it, but there are other things that are taken care of in product engineering as well like cost and performance. The reason behind all these is to make the product more attractive and appealing to the potential customer. The product engineering solutions takes care of some of the most important aspects of manufacturing as well.

When you consider embedded systems, and you have an idea for a new embedded systems that can have real life applications, you would definitely want to launch it to the market. For that you would need professional help in the form of product engineering solutions and companies that can provide it to you. After you the initial design and the working principle chalked out, everything else will be taken care of by the company. This serves as an important step in the whole lifecycle of software development and is crucial in deciding the fate of the firmware.

