Impeaching Trump is our patriotic duty

By The People
3 min readMar 26, 2019


Rashida Tlaib with By the People activists in the U.S. Capitol in early March, announcing her intent to introduce a resolution on March 27 to authorize the House Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment investigations.

Since it began, the Mueller investigation has demonstrated that Trump is a corrupt liar who values despots and dollars over the lives of Americans. Those closest to Trump — his personal lawyer, campaign manager, and advisors — broke the law on his behalf. Findings we’ve already seen from the investigation confirm a culture of corruption for Trump’s personal and political benefit.

Regardless of what happened in the 2016 election, we know that Trump is currently compromised as our president and poses a security risk because of his ties to Russia. The numerous occasions during which Trump has publicly favored Putin’s stance against the interest of his own nation and intelligence agencies, is one of the many examples of collective risk we face by allowing him to remain in Office.

The culture of corruption and criminality that has pervaded the White House must be challenged through an impeachment investigation.

We, the American people, have the responsibility to ensure our members of Congress commit to uphold the oath of office they took upon becoming leaders: to protect our Constitution and impeach a president who has violated it. This is what impeachment was made for: a fail-safe to protect our democracy from threats that warrant action NOW, not during the next election cycle.

If we wait until 2020 to remove Trump from office, he will continue to undermine the Constitution and our rights. The longer we wait, the more people will be harmed, and the harder it will be to remove the Trump administration — because he is attacking the foundations of our democracy that allow us to hold leaders in check.

Our inaction at this point in history would set a dangerous precedent for future administrations who may also seek to abuse the power of office for personal gain.

And worse still, failure to impeach — failure to even try — would normalize and excuse Trump’s inhumane, racist, misogynistic, and unconstitutional behavior. This, too, is an extremely dangerous precedent to set within a nation that claims to pride itself on egalitarian values and legitimate democratic processes.

We don’t need any more evidence; we need more courage and unity. We must remember and act on the fact that we do not now, nor did we ever, need the Mueller Report to move forward on impeachment. The scope of Mueller’s investigation was limited to collusion between Russian actors and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

Trump’s impeachable offenses, committed on a near-daily basis, stretch far beyond what may or may not be contained within the Mueller Report. Examples of such include: trampling on our First Amendment right to a free press and freedom of religion, violating campaign finance laws, and threatening our national security through allowing nepotistic security clearances and bringing us to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea.

This country is at a crossroads. What we do now will determine what kind of country exists for generations to come. We may disagree on the ways that we can change this country for the better, but we are all worse off when the most powerful individual in America is allowed to obstruct democracy and ignore the law without consequence. Nothing lasting can be accomplished when Trump is in the way.

Our leaders, and the American people, have a choice: we can let the Trump administration continue to corrupt our government and endanger our lives, or we can join together to remove them from office, and make our government work for all of us.

So what’s our next step together?

Representative Rashida Tlaib is getting ready to introduce a resolution tomorrow — Wednesday, March 27 — to authorize the House Judiciary Committee to begin an official investigation into grounds for impeachment.

Yesterday, she sent a Dear Colleague letter urging other Members of Congress to join her and co-sponsor the resolution. Now we need to make sure other Congressmembers join her; we need to remind Congress that they work for us.

Will you click here to email your Representative now, asking them to co-sponsor the resolution?



By The People

By The People is a non-violent, people-driven movement to hold our government accountable and impeach Donald Trump.