7 Things Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know about Wisconsin’s Shadow Votes

Yusuf Toropov
4 min readDec 8, 2016


It’s likely that the main things you’ve picked up from mainstream media coverage about the 2016 presidential vote in Wisconsin are that a) it was close, and b) Hillary Clinton would benefit if the recount ended up taking 22,000 or so votes away from Donald Trump. Below, seven realities Mr. Trump would prefer you not encounter about the political war now playing out in Wisconsin.

1. Sauk County reported more votes for president than ballots cast. Similarly, three precincts in Outagamie County reported more votes for president than ballots cast. In Kenosha County, two wards reported a total number of votes that exceeded the total number of voters in those wards. And in the Village of Stockholm, Pepin County, voter turnout was 105.56%. These are outcomes more reminiscent of Russian voting traditions during the Soviet era than American ones in the twenty-first century.

2. Following complaints about these and other ominous mathematical anomalies in Wisconsin — anomalies that always managed to inflate Trump’s totals — many Wisconsin precincts conducted hasty, voluntary revisions. These revisions had nothing to do with Jill Stein’s legal challenge for a recount. They were the result of outside pressure on election officials from journalists, statisticians, computer scientists, and activists. These revisions meant that over five thousand shadow votes in favor of Trump — over a sixth of his original (alleged) margin of victory — simply disappeared without plausible explanation.

3. Twelve counties reported suspiciously high turnout levels — above 85 percent — in the 2016 presidential election. Ph. D statistician Richard Hayes Phillip wrote that these turnout percentages reflected either an “unparalleled” historic achievement … or a situation where the results in question were “not true and correct.”

County official Kathy Nickolaus was the subject of a 2011 FORBES article entitled “Something Smells In Waukesha County, Wisconsin — and It’s Not The Cheese.”

4. During the recount forced by Jill Stein’s court challenge, Waukesha County officials (who have a very, very, long history of countenancing voting irregularities that happen to benefit conservative candidates ) illegally hid ballots from observers.

5. Also in Waukesha County, a recount observer accused officials of “obstructing the recount blatantly. Making up rules to shut out allowed observers. Double counting Republican ballots. Taking machines out and returning machines that break down after midnight hoping to avoid any observers.”

Fraud alert in St. Croix County: Broken seal on a voting machine. That means it’s been messed with.

6. Recount observers documented with photographs (including the one above) that five out of nine voting machines being used in St. Croix County had been tampered with. The seals were broken … yet the machines continued to be used for the recount.

Fraud alert in St. Croix County: White seal showing beneath fraudulently added yellow seal. Note the scratch marks on the voting machine beneath the seals.

7. Someone placed a new yellow seal on one of those tampered St. Croix County voting machines, though the white broken seal beneath it was still clearly visible, as were a number of brand-new scratch marks.

These are just a few of the many irregularities in the Wisconsin presidential vote. They tie back to a long history of alleged vote manipulation in Wisconsin.

The seven indications of a shadow vote in Wisconsin designed to benefit Trump I have shared here are not fake news. They are what just happened to our presidential election, here in America. We need to notice that they happened. Noticing what really happened in Wisconsin does not make you a liberal. It makes you a patriot.

A growing number of statisticians and computer scientists have raised loud objections to the totals put forward in Wisconsin. The irregularities they cite establish a pattern, at the highest levels of state government, of willing disregard for manifest breaches of electoral integrity. That disregard represents an assault on the democratic process itself.

If the American people are going to have confidence in Wisconsin’s election results, these breaches of the public trust demand immediate remedies. Both the complete statewide hand count Jill Stein originally requested (but was denied) and a forensic audit of every vote allegedly cast in Wisconsin should now move forward. If these measures are not undertaken, and the unproven claim that Trump won the state is allowed to stand, Wisconsin’s tainted electoral votes must be challenged at the federal level.

Erik Ose and Erin Oliver contributed research to this article, for which I am grateful. I also relied heavily on The Palmer Report, which I hope you will support.



Yusuf Toropov

Writer aka Brandon Toropov, author of the novel JIHADI: A LOVE STORY, published by Orenda Books. bit.ly/jihadi_novel