Six signs you might just be a FUCKING traitor

Yusuf Toropov
1 min readDec 11, 2016


  1. Your last name rhymes with “McWhonnell.”

2. Your first name rhymes with “bitch.”

3. You’re the senior senator from a state strongly associated with horse-racing and whisky.

4. You receive conclusive evidence from multiple intelligence sources about a foreign power’s ongoing attempts to cherry-pick the Commander-in-Chief it likes.

5. Then you cover that evidence up and tell others to do the same.

6. Then your wife gets a Cabinet post and you get very, very quiet.

Unidentified asshole who may or may not have committed treason.

If it is not TREASON to support a hostile foreign power’s attempts to manipulate our electoral process and install the President of the United States it likes, what is?



Yusuf Toropov

Writer aka Brandon Toropov, author of the novel JIHADI: A LOVE STORY, published by Orenda Books.