VINCI’s path to re-launch in 2024

4 min readDec 10, 2023


Last month we talked about the upcoming BTC ETFs prior before the recent BTC pump. I think we can all agree we are entering a new cycle which brings new possibilities & opportunities.

We have continued building on different products (at this moment we have multiple working products). This has been achieved with limited resources, past mismanagement, undoing/repairing previous made decisions & work, multiple re-organizations, all during a bear market, by the new leadership team.

It has not been easy the last couple of years, many web3 blockchain companies have faced difficulties and many have not survived the bear market, but we are still here. Through the good, the bad and the ugly.

Down below a general update of VINCI.

Business Operations:

  • Runway & burn-rate: despite increased costs, VINCI has successfully maintained its runway until Q3 2024, paving the way for strategic growth.
  • Scaling preparations: preparations are underway to scale operations through strategic partnerships, rehiring and new hires across key areas:
    - Sales & acquisition
    - Marketing, communications, and branding
    - Legal
    - Product development

Sales & Acquisition:

  • Client onboarding: ongoing discussions with multiple parties, both existing and new, are expected to lead to the onboarding of several clients in the upcoming months. This influx of revenue will address the ongoing challenge of scaling operations.

Product Development:

  • Testing and pilots: internally we have tested several products and utilities, including a marketplace, white-labeling, ticketing, loyalty programs, and payment systems. The demo video we shared recently gave a small teaser what we have build.
  • Integration phases: the integration of various tech products will occur in phases, prioritizing revenue generation, client preferences, and available resources.

Diversified revenue streams:

  • Strengths and challenges: while VINCI will boasts diversified revenue streams (customized solutions, consultancy, white-labeling, freemium & premium options), full-capacity implementation is hindered by current resource limitations.
  • Payment methods: VINCI’s product payment methods will support both FIAT and crypto. Compliance with global regulations through partnerships with esteemed payment providers.

Website overhaul:

  • A new website is in development, orientating more on B2B and multiple industries. Positioning VINCI as an web3 blockchain agency and branding wise more lifestyle orientated. The site will integrate various tech stacks to offer a comprehensive experience.

Staking rewards:

  • Please watch out, we have received several messages from our community regarding errors and high BNB fees with the manual claiming.
  • Staking rewards can be claimed manually, down below the 6 steps to follow:

1. go here:
2. go to “write contract” (screenshot 1)
3. click on “connect to web3” (screenshot 2)
4. click on “unstake” below, point 14 (screenshot 3)
5. Input the amount (you have to add 18 zeroes to the amount) (also screenshot 3 for 100$VINCI)
6. click “write

Resource allocation:

  • Focus on products, clients and revenue: majority of our resources are allocated to product development and business operations, emphasizing the importance of working products in attracting clients and generating revenue.
  • Super stakers: the roadmap for the super stakers will be released once the business stabilizes (generating revenue & launched our products). We will offer our super stakders different benefits like special APYs, access to events, airdrops, OTC deals and offcourse the $VINCI rewards from people who unstaked. We are aware that UI design needs to be updated which is on our to do list.

ESCP partnership update:

ESCP partnership update:

ESCP, a top European business school, has been collaborating with VINCI since 2022. Our new venture aims to deepen understanding and exploration of Web3 technologies, particularly in the context of Fortune 500 companies and major brands.

ESCP students, guided by Vinci’s expertise, analyze the multifaceted realm of Web3, forecasting trends that could shape strategies for top-tier corporations. The project delves into how Web3 technologies, from decentralized finance (DeFi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), are transforming business operations and consumer engagement.

VINCI web3 seminar at ESCP Madrid campus by our CFO Alberto last November (2023)

Leveraging Vinci’s expertise and ESCP’s academic rigor, the collaboration not only provides students with valuable insights but also contributes to thought leadership in the Web3 domain. As the project unfolds, it promises groundbreaking insights that could reshape strategies for corporate giants in the evolving digital era.

Zero FUD Policy:

  • VINCI will embrace a zero Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) policy. Genuine and constructive contributors are valued; negativity and sarcasm will not be tolerated.

We’re laser-focused on VINCI’s relaunch; generating revenue, launching our products and attracting clients. Thank you for your consistent support.






VINCI empowers creators to earn more from their craft