The post-Singapore update

by wassies
4 min readOct 2, 2022

gmeow everyone! I may or may not be able to make the townhouse today (have some important stuff in singapore that needs wrapping up before can return to the great dubai) but in the case i can’t make it I’ve prepared this lil ann to give everyone a rough overview on how everything is coming along so far!

Awesome, well, let’s begin with the topic of the moment, and the one that has brung me great joy, the wonderful wassie emporium in singapore! The emporium is coming along very well, thanks to the wonderful emporium team (ily guys ❤ )

Now, ppl may ask, loom, why r u building a physical brick and mortar in some rando country, and to them i say, listen and i shall explain!

Firstly, singapore is a very good starting point for the Emporium. We have alot of holders here, it’s a global tech hub with a very high concentration of crypto interested individuals, and lots of open minded local business and companies that are willing to become wassified and embrace wassification. It’s an amazing place to give the first (and not last, more on this later) emporium a home. Reception on the ground has been awesome, lots of wassies very excited to be able to hang out here. We also had a few tourists pop by asking what was going on and what wassies were, which is awesome, as at the end of the day what we are building isn’t just an NFT community, but an NFT community representing the premium participation tier of a global brand.

Wassies represent an ideal I have long held in crypto. The openness and pseudoanonymous nature of the space enables anyone and everyone to work together based on merits and values, rather than anything else. You need to perform, instead of talking about performing. What better way to present this to people than the fact that we are all wonderful hentai penguins, a concept so bizzare once you understand that it is the divine truth, you ARE a hentai penguin, you understand that at the end of the day, we are a community of people willingly pushing the forefronts of multiple technological innovations, and doing it in a way that is inclusive to all, regardless of well… any human traits or characteristics. AI, Metaverse, VR and more, we will be (and are, pending some future announcements) at the forefront of all of these technologies.

This is where the fun part comes in imo, as the more like minded individuals you get into a room the more potential innovation you can conceive and grow. The internet is a fun place, but sometimes it can get rather isolated. There are plenty of builders and creators who aren’t degenerate shitposters like myself, an these people need community too. This is why our second big physical presence, The Wassie Nexus’s, shall be born. Initially in Dubai, we want to create a place for web3 builders and tech enthusiasts to come together. A place people interested in crypto and building can call a home.

The beauty of this model is once we have made mistakes and learned from these mistakes and done this multiple times we can start venturing out into more and more places!

See, the true beauty of Wassies is the fact that not only are they so wonderfully absurd it conditions your mind to understand that you can let go of tradfi world shackles and just build without limitation, but it’s also that Wassies are in essence the most wonderful blank slate of all. We have many individuals in our community who gain no greater joy in anything than in slaughtering these lovely cute animals. We then have the wonderful faction of Gaiaists, the defenders of the Wassies. Cute, killable, lovable, infinitly decoratable. Doing cool stuff in AI? in the metaverse? Well, we want to help support you and give you resources to incorporate wassies!

Speaking of these resources, 3D Wassies! These lil shids will be fully rigged .vrm’s, meaning you can vtube with them, use them in any .vrm compatible game/avatar system (liv, webaverse, etc). The models and files are all done, now it’s just a case of going thru collisions, bugs, but in regards to timeline think weeks not months. They’re coming!

Ok, time for rapid fire where we are at with stuff:

Emporiums good, 3D Models coming soon, we have a metaverse airdrop coming soon (snapshot for it hasn’t been taken yet) we are also airdropping hoodies to every Wassie (snapshot for it hasn’t been taken yet) got some sick new merch to unveil soon, the boutique is coming along wonderfully, the locks are nearing a finalised state before final rounds of testing then shipment (YAY). Honestly we haven’t had the ability to really put out the Q3 roadmap since what we are doing expanded so quickly and dramatically in scope, but expect something nice for Q4 to help sum up everything, also all of this will be further elaborated on but most people never read to the end of these posts (cries) so treat this as a smol alpha leak to people who can read, uwu, adios.

