Day 103: Quick Animation and Simple Timeline Functions

Boqin Zhang
2 min readJun 29, 2023


Let’s create a quick animation and check out some convenient timeline functions that can be done on our animation.

Drag the game object into the timeline window to start making animations for that game object.

As you can see, we can create other things like activation, audio, and signal tracks. Let’s just focus on animation today.

Start the recording and add frames at certain spots. We can also convert the unit from fames to seconds using the gear icon.

We can create a simple animation by going to certain time frames and moving the box around.

The animation I have just created is of the box going in roughly a triangular shape.

Let’s stop the recording and convert the animation into a clip track.

We can use the clip track to do many things. By clicking on the clip, we can find its inspector.

One convenient thing we can do is change the animation speed.

We can quickly adjust the ease in and ease out features by holding “CTRL” and dragging the clip itself.

