Day 115: Humanoid Animations

Boqin Zhang
Aug 7, 2023


Let’s work with humanoid animations in timeline. For this project, we’ll need premade characters and animations. Those can be found in filebase or Unity Store.

The scene has Timeline, ybot (human game object), and a plane.

The timeline and an animation for ybot is set up.

The animations for ybot are in the project. The are “Idle ”(highlighted) to “Walk Backwards”.

Let’s duplicate each animation.

Let’s string the “Idle" and “Punch" animation together. Notice how there might be a sharp transition if we don’t blend the clips.

Let’s string a “Right Turn” and “Walk Backwards” animation together. Notice how the character resets to the default rotation before starting to walk. We can fix this by right clicking and choose “Match Offsets To Previous Clip.”

After troubleshooting the aforementioned issues, this is the resulting animation.

