Day 118: Victory Animation II

Boqin Zhang
3 min readAug 23, 2023


Combining animation is one of the hardest part about this project. Other than that, feel free to customize your victory sequence, which can be used for multiple games.

This victory animation has the sequence from part I along with a victory animation and a limping (called walking) animation after it.

The transition from the stationary victory dance to the limp is a bit jarring, so I add a bit of “ease in”.

Don’t forget that we can customize the animation with other Unity tools. Let’s add a particle effect when the player reaches the checkpoint.

Create the particles (right-click Hierarchy, Effects, Particle System) and a timeline to control when the particles will appear.

Play around with the particle effects.

Here are the settings to mimic a checkpoint celebration or getting a treasure chest. The main change is resetting “Emission” and playing around with the “Burst” settings.

To get this to work with timeline, make sure to check off “Play On Awake*”

Create an activation track. Move the activation clip to when the character roughly hits the checkpoint.

Turn off the particle system.

Now the whole animation works when we load the game.

Here are the main learning points for this project:

  1. For human models’ animations, go to “Rig,” set “Animation Type” to “Humanoid.”
  2. Use Override Tracks to combine animations and make more unique animation sequences.
  3. Use ease in/out to touch up on sudden transitions.
  4. Remember to match clips’ offsets.
  5. Use avatar mask to control the model’s position.
  6. Use other Unity tools to enhance the animation.

