How To Earn $800/Day Online Using Amazon Mechanical Turk in 2024

BZTurk | Extension For MTurk
5 min readJun 7, 2024


How To Earn $800/Day Online Using Amazon Mechanical Turk in 2024, How To Earn $800/Day On Amazon Mechanical Turk in 2024
How To Earn $800/Day On Amazon Mechanical Turk in 2024

Introduction to Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing website that allows individuals to make money online by completing simple tasks. This platform is perfect for beginners who want to start earning money without any upfront investment or specialized skills. The tasks, known as HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks), range from data entry and research to more complex assignments like content moderation and surveys. With dedication and efficient task management, it’s possible to earn up to $800 per day on MTurk in 2024. Start today and maximize your online earning potential! Signing Up and Getting Started,

9 Ways To Boost Your MTurk Earnings

Creating Your Worker Account

The first step to start making money on MTurk is to sign up as a worker. ( and create an Amazon account if you don’t already have one. Ensure you sign up as a worker, not as a requester. The sign-up process is straightforward, requiring basic information such as your name, email, and location.

Navigating the HITs

Once you’ve signed in to your account, navigate to the section labeled HITs. This is where you’ll find a list of available tasks. At any given time, there are hundreds of HITs you can choose from, varying in complexity and payout.

What are HITs and how do they work?

Types of tasks

HITs can range from simple tasks like identifying objects in images to more complex ones such as transcribing audio recordings. Some common types of tasks include:

- Data Entry: Inputting information into databases or spreadsheets.

- Surveys: Completed questionnaires for market research.

- Content Moderation: Reviewing and categorizing online content.

- Transcription: Converting audio files into written text.

Task Availability and Restrictions

As a beginner, you might notice that many tasks are initially locked. This is because MTurk uses a qualification system to ensure workers have the necessary experience and reliability to complete high-paying tasks. To access these tasks, you’ll need to build your reputation by completing easier, lower-paying HITs first.

Building Your MTurk Profile

Importance of approval rates

To qualify for better-paying tasks, you need to maintain a high approval rate. This means that the tasks you complete must be accepted by the requesters. Aim for an approval rate of over 99%, which demonstrates reliability and accuracy in your work.

Achieving high activity levels

In addition to a high approval rate, maintaining a high activity level is crucial. This involves consistently completing tasks over a period. A 10-day average payment review time is often required, meaning you need to be active regularly to gain access to premium HITs.

Strategies for Success on MTurk

Selecting the Right HITs

To maximize your earnings, focus on tasks that offer the best return on investment for your time. Sorting HITs by reward can help you identify high-paying tasks on MTurk. However, be mindful of your qualifications and only select tasks you are eligible for.

Efficient Time management

Time management is the key to succeeding on MTurk. Avoid spending too much time on low-paying tasks. Instead, aim to complete tasks quickly and accurately to improve your overall earnings. Utilize browser extensions and tools that help you filter and sort tasks effectively.

Enhancing Your Skills

Certain tasks require specific skills such as typing speed, attention to detail, or language proficiency. Take advantage of online resources to improve these skills, which can help you qualify for higher-paying HITs over time.

How To Earn $800/Day Online Using Amazon Mechanical Turk in 2024
How To Earn $800/Day Online Using Amazon Mechanical Turk in 2024

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Dealing with rejection

Rejections can impact your approval rate and limit your access to better tasks. To minimize rejections, read the task instructions carefully and ensure you meet all the requirements before accepting a HIT. If you receive an unfair rejection, some requesters allow you to appeal or contact them for clarification.

Managing low pay rates

As a beginner, you might find the initial pay rates discouraging. However, by building your profile and gaining experience, you can access higher-paying tasks. Be patient and persistent, and focus on improving your approval rate and activity level.

Avoiding scams

While MTurk is a legitimate platform, be cautious of tasks that seem too good to be true or request personal information. Stick to tasks from reputable requesters with positive reviews from other workers.

Advanced Tips for Maximizing Earnings

Join MTurk Forums and Communities

Online communities and forums such as Turker Nation and MTurk Crowd can provide valuable insights and tips from experienced workers. These platforms offer guidance on the best HITs, tools, and strategies to maximize your earnings.

Explore and utilize extensions

Several browser extensions and scripts can enhance your MTurk experience. Automation Tools like BZTurk and Turkopticon help you filter tasks, track earnings, and avoid problematic requesters. These tools can save you time and increase your efficiency.
Participating in the Qualification Tests

Many high-paying tasks require specific qualifications. MTurk offers qualification tests that you can take to unlock these tasks. Regularly check for new qualification opportunities and invest time in taking these tests to expand your task options.


Making $800/day money online as a complete beginner using Amazon Mechanical Turk is not only possible but can be quite rewarding with the right approach. By understanding how the platform works, building a strong profile, and employing effective strategies, you can maximize your earnings and enjoy the flexibility of working from home.

Embrace the process, stay persistent, and use the resources available to you to turn MTurk into a reliable source of income.


1. How much can you make a day with Amazon Mechanical Turk?

The earnings potential on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) can vary significantly based on various factors such as the availability of tasks, the time and effort invested, and individual skill levels. While it is possible to earn a substantial income, daily earnings can fluctuate widely.

2. Can you make $100 a day on MTurk?

Achieving a daily income of $100 solely through Amazon Mechanical Turk is feasible for some workers, but it largely depends on factors like task availability, task complexity, and individual efficiency. Consistent dedication and strategic task selection may contribute to reaching such income goals.



BZTurk | Extension For MTurk

🚀 BZTurk is a powerful extension designed to enhance the earnings and productivity of Amazon Mturk. Website ; Extension :