How to Make $50 a Day on Amazon MTurk

BZTurk | Extension For MTurk
4 min readFeb 19, 2024


Are you intrigued by the success stories of individuals earning $50 or more a day on Amazon MTurk? The secret sauce to their earnings may seem elusive, but fear not! Unraveling the mystery behind how to make $50 a day on MTurk is within reach. It’s time to elevate your turking game and turn those frustrating $2 days into lucrative opportunities.

Understanding Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk)

What is Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk, is a crowdsourcing marketplace founded by Jeff Bezos. A microtasks platform is a technology that allows businesses to outsource tasks to a global workforce through the use of microtasks. The essence lies in the fact that certain tasks require human intelligence, which computers or robots cannot replicate.

Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) Demystified

HITs, or Human Intelligence Tasks, represent the microtasks listed by requesters on MTurk. These tasks range from completing market research surveys to transcribing audio files, offering turkers an array of options to choose from.

Diverse Work on MTurk

The variety of tasks on MTurk is astounding. From categorization tasks to user testing of websites and apps, the platform caters to a broad spectrum of skills. Whether it’s extracting data from shopping receipts or providing short descriptions, the options are limitless.

Tips on How to Make $50 a Day on Amazon MTurk

1. Harness the Power of Browser Extensions and Scripts

To significantly boost your turking income, utilizing Chrome browser extensions and scripts is a game-changer. Tools like BZTurk, MTurk Suite and Panda Crazy enhance efficiency by helping you search and preview HITs. However, exercise caution and adhere to MTurk’s Terms of Service to avoid using scripts that automate the entire turking process.

What is BZTurk?

BZTurk stands as the epitome of ingenuity in the realm of MTurk tools. It is a mechanical Turk Auto Hit Catcher meticulously crafted to elevate the earnings and productivity of MTurk workers. As the name suggests, it catches valuable HITs, transforming the way tasks are accepted and completed on the platform.

2. Calculate Hourly Rates for Optimal Earnings

Efficiency is key in the world of MTurk. Before diving into tasks, calculate the hourly rate to ensure that your time translates into substantial earnings. Filtering HITs by payout and focusing on high-paying tasks will elevate your daily income.

3. Embrace Batch HITs for Increased Efficiency

Don’t overlook batch HITs — they can be a gold mine for efficient turking. Completing similar tasks in quick succession enhances your hourly rate. Once you find a lucrative batch, seize the opportunity and work from a queue to maximize your earnings.

4. Tap Into MTurk Forums for Insights

MTurk forums such as MTurk Crowd, Turkerview, and MTurk Forum offer valuable insights into the best HITs. Engaging with these communities provides daily updates and tips from fellow turkers, guiding you toward tasks that can contribute to reaching your $50 daily goal.

5. Enhance Your Qualifications for Exclusive Opportunities

Boosting your qualifications on MTurk sets you apart and opens doors to exclusive tasks. Whether it’s entering personal details or showcasing specific skills, qualifications pave the way to higher-paying opportunities. Aim for the coveted Masters Qualification to access even more lucrative tasks.

6. Maintain a stellar approval score

Your approval score is your ticket to premium tasks on MTurk. Aim for a minimum 99% approval score to signal to requesters that your work meets high standards. A strong approval rating not only enhances your profile but also increases your access to a plethora of HITs.

7. Time Your Turking for Optimal Results

Knowing the best hours to turk can significantly impact your earnings. The sweet spot for surveys is between 6 am and 11 am ( EST ) from Monday to Wednesday. Keep an eye out for prime turking hours during the weekdays when businesses typically post their tasks.

8. Gradually Work Up to Higher Paying HITs

As you build your profile and qualifications, progress to higher paying HITs. This strategic approach increases your earning potential and propels you closer to achieving your $50 daily target. Always calculate your hourly rate to ensure the tasks align with your financial goals.

9. Stay vigilant Against Scammers

While navigating the MTurk landscape, be wary of scammers posing as requesters. Protect your personal information and steer clear of HITs requesting sensitive details like social security numbers. Prioritize working with requesters displaying high activity levels and approval rates.

10. Quantity Matters Do More HITs

The equation is simple: more HITs equal more money. To reach your $50 daily goal, invest time efficiently and increase your daily HIT count. Strategic turking during optimal hours ensures you make the most of your efforts.

11. Invest in Tools for Increased Efficiency

Consider investing in tools that align with your money-making tasks. For instance, a transcription foot pedal can revolutionize your efficiency in transcription jobs, potentially doubling your income. Strategically choose tools that enhance your workflow without violating MTurk terms of service.


The key to earning $50 a day on Amazon MTurk requires a combination of strategic approaches. From leveraging browser extensions to mastering batch HITs and participating in MTurk forums, each step contributes to your success. By following these proven strategies, you’ll not only meet but exceed your $50 daily goal on MTurk.



BZTurk | Extension For MTurk

🚀 BZTurk is a powerful extension designed to enhance the earnings and productivity of Amazon Mturk. Website ; Extension :