The case for WakeUpStartUp

Brian Zuercher
2 min readNov 10, 2014

3 Years ago Columbus was introduced to the event WakeUpStartUp. The premise of the event was simple. A room with coffee producing collisions with entrepreneurs and community members is all that is needed to accelerate the progress of early stage companies.

One especially important ingredient to the event was and continues today is that it is led by entrepreneurs.

The first hypothesis was simple…if we build it, will they come and will it help.

After 3 years we have hosted around 100 companies, thousands of community members and gallons of coffee have been consumed. The community feedback has been resoundingly supportive of the event and its outcomes. We aren't measuring success in companies funded, exits or any other ‘startupy’ metric. We measure success in progress. The progress of of connections, companies and community.

The updated WakeUpStartUp is holding onto it’s core mission, but with two meaningful updates to the event.

  1. The definition of a startup. The event has traditionally hosted what is mostly ‘tech’ startups. Now WakeUpStartUp is broadening the focus to startups that involve innovation to solve problems. Whether it’s a new model of employment for a restaurant to serve a community or a new software as a service enterprise application if the team is bringing a new and innovative approach to solve the problem, they have a reason to engage with our community.
  2. The Venue — We have been grateful for the use of Ohio State’s Technology Commercialization and resources. The event is now moving to COSI, a central point of inspiration and learning in Central Ohio. COSI meets all the criteria for a perfect venue beyond a great physical space, the team at COSI has a long-term commitment to curiosity and innovation.

The case for WakeUpStartUp is simple. Because we can and we want to.

It is our hope that WakeUpStartUp will shorten the distance for our communities entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.

It’s an exciting time to be a part of the Columbus, OH community and many of us feel that a thriving startup community is not only critical for the community success, but something we want to live in.

Connect and join us the second Friday morning of each month.

