Saem yun[Reflections from Berlin] Finding Beauty in Tragedy*This is a reflection of my experience in Berlin since I started the ‘Leadership in Systemic Activism’ course run by the Kaospilot+ Berlin.Mar 22, 2023Mar 22, 2023
Saem yuninGreaterthan[PSM] Week 1 — ReflectionsNew team, New space, Interesting Tensions in betweenMay 3, 20201May 3, 20201
Saem yun길잡이별을 찾는 여행의 첫 도착지, 이집트 (Week 1 : SEKEM, Giza, Cairo)작년 11월, 금산에서 7년전 처음 만난 ‘선’과 ‘웅’이 재미난 계획을 준비하고 있다는 소식을 듣게 되었다.Mar 19, 20191Mar 19, 20191
Saem yuninC.Note[C.tour 2018] Seoul Social Innovation Study Tour with Hong Kong PolyTechnic University“Throughout this tour, I was able to learn that money making is not the only goal we should strive for and that social innovation comes…Jan 14, 2018Jan 14, 2018