As FED Fails To Tame Unruly Dollar, Could A Massive Meltdown Be On The Horizon?

gene morris
2 min readApr 6, 2020


It’s painfully clear now, that the Coronavirus (COVD-19) has killed a fragile and tired American Economy. Most Americans sitting at home, waiting to go back to work, do not realize this yet.

The Federal Reserve Is Failing To Revive A Dead Patient

The Federal Reserve has approved infinite quantitative easing, and will use borderline illegal maneuvers to purchase just about everything imaginable in the financial markets.

Meanwhile, the Federal Government has decided on a two-trillion dollar tax payer funded spending bill, filled with corporate bailouts and pork belly projects.

The US Treasury says it will take approximately three weeks for the funds to reach Americans.

Here’s to hoping it trickles down to the real economy soon enough to help the people who need it most.

Is $2 Trillion Enough To Sustain America Long Enough To Beat The Coronavirus?

Congress is either underestimating the size of the human and economic toll that may soon be upon us or they are throwing the American people a life preserver with a huge tear in the rope, knowing full well the rope is going to snap when they need to reel us in (really save us).

When you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.

Sure, it might seem like a valiant effort on Congresses part to save the day, but to those of us who are paying attention, we know the rope is going to snap.

At some point, many of us are going to have to face reality.

Assuming the Government will save us all, comes with real consequences. Do not make this assumption and start thinking what could happen to you and your family, when government paychecks run out.

We Must Start Thinking ‘What If’ RIGHT Now!

What if a government bailout fails to keep our jobs and businesses open? What will that look like for us and our families? Will we need to move?

Should we consider someplace cheaper, with more elbow room, to avoid the coronavirus, which could linger on for years?

What Can We Do To Stay Ahead Of A Potential Great Depression 2?

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