Bitcoin Price Rallies Higher As Economic Uncertainty Takes Hold

gene morris
3 min readApr 7, 2020


Demand for bitcoin is increasing as speculators realize consumer prices and high inflation is here and moving fast.

The Coronavirus Pricks EVERYTHING Bubble And It’s Just Getting Started

The U.S. is at war. While #COVID19 is a real threat to our health, our own Federal Government and Federal Reserve pose even greater threats to our freedom and prosperity.

With the fusion of the Fed and Treasury, the executive branch is now in full control of the money printing! Blackrock is deciding who gets saved! The Supreme Court is silent while the constitution is being violated.

This is just the beginning. Shortages will spread nationwide, and to a broader range of goods. Stimulus checks won’t do much good when there’s nothing to buy.

As the Federal Government and the supposed ‘independent’ Federal Reserve rush to save the World by literally buying everything, it’s no surprise people are starting to catch wind of a major dollar crisis starting to unravel.

QE is money printing. It’s a hidden tax that debases our currency, increases prices, and distorts all economic decisions. This is exactly what is happening right now, and will continue for who knows how long.

At this rate, it won’t take but a few years before the World no longer trusts the US Dollar. As a result, the World will shift away from our hyperinflated fiat dollar into a new reserve currency, that will leave Americans stranded.

It’s no wonder hard money like gold is now rising above 1700.00 an ounce and bitcoin is breaking above 7000.00 per coin.

Food Banks Warn They Will Soon Run Out Of Food As Economic Suffering Explodes All Over America

It is imperative for people to understand that we are now in uncharted territory. At this point, even the head of the IMF is warning that this new economic crisis will be “way worse” that the last recession…

Why 2020 Is Different Than The Speculative Bitcoin Bubble That Burst In 2018?

Bitcoin is once again climbing, making gains alongside broader markets — with the bitcoin price up 12% over the last week and powering into the second quarter. It’s time to trust bitcoin again.

This is not speculative mania. This is a life and death FIGHT for YOUR right to live a comfortable meaningful life outside the control of a crazy and failing monetary system.

The latest price action in Bitcoin is proof that it is not going anywhere, and that many people across the Globe do not trust those in control.

Why You Should Buy Bitcoin

Currently, the creation of money is in the hands of a few people whose interests are not aligned with the rest of the population. Bitcoin aims to change that and hence completely redefine the way that humans think about and interact with money.

Even in the short chance governments ban bitcoin and make it illegal, buying the digital currency now and selling it later will likely pay off in the long run.

Or, if things get so bad that we end up living in a depressed, dystopian and Orwellian police state, you can use your bitcoin to escape to a safer place to live, free of Federal Reserve and US Government intrusion.

You’ll be economically paralyzed when your dollars are worth as much as monopoly money. Do something about it!

How To Buy Bitcoin in 3 Easy Steps

If you are forward-thinking and want to stay ahead of rapidly increasing consumer prices and inflation then visit this page to see my recommended choice for purchasing and storing bitcoin. Get started now and do not hesitate. Get started for as little as $25.00.


