CVE-2019–18396 — Command Injection in Technicolor router

João Teles
2 min readOct 28, 2019


Introduction —

This is my first CVE and I’m very excited because my first CVE is about a critical flaw. To be honest, I wasn’t looking for this vulnerability, at least not to get a CVE, I was looking for access to networked computers from a switch or router. This same command injection vulnerability is present in an older firmware version (CVE-2017–14127) and I found it very strange that they were present after several updates because the updates are for bug fixes, right? Let’s go to the technical details.

Technical details —

This vulnerability is a simple command injection (dvwa feelings) in mnt_ping.cgi and is present on the Technicolor TD5130v2 router in OI_Fw_V20 firmware. This vulnerability occurs because of the lack of data validation on input and to mitigate it is relatively easy to handle data entry.

Proof Of Concept —

First Step —

Login in the panel of router, (admin:admin):

Second Step —

Go to Ping:

Third Step —

Try escape to system:

Fourth Step —

Oh shit! We can’t escape like POST, let’s try the GET method:;ls%20/&send=Send

Fifth Step —

Yeah, successful!! Let’s try reading /etc/passwd:

Seventh Step —

Yeah, successful again!! Now let’s try to make this POC a little prettier with python, see:

Video —

