5 Things I Learned from 30 Days of Blog Posting

Heidi Swan
2 min readFeb 25, 2018


I wrote and published a blog post every day for the last 30 days.

I had so much fun, writing everything. Some posts were really personal. Some were really interesting. They were all special to me, in their own way.

I watched my follower count rise, my clap count rise, and saw my writing improve.

Here is What I Learned:

  1. Coming up with a new post everyday, is extremely difficult. Some days it was easier than others, but there were definitely days that I struggled. I think there were two Sundays that I didn’t manage to write in the morning, but I got the articles finished before bed.
  2. Writing a quality post in about an hour is not easy. Honestly, I don’t even know if it is possible. From this point forward, I plan to write everyday, and publish two times a week. This will allow me more time to edit and ensure that my articles share as much value as possible!
  3. Including a picture at the top of my post increased views dramatically. You have probably already heard that, but it’s true. It takes about two minutes to find a great photo for your post. The stock photos I use are all found for free on Pexels.
  4. The catchiest titles also increased views dramatically. You have likely also heard that before. I find it best to write my title, and then write my post, and then edit my title. By the time I’m done writing my post, the title has marinated enough, and I tweak it a little bit. They’re not all gold, but the ones that are, have more views.
  5. I learned that writing everyday is gratifying. When my alarm goes off at 5:30 am, I don’t jump out of bed immediatey, but I wake up. I lay in bed for 5 to 20 minutes, and then wake up. I write in my journal, and then off to Medium Land. By the time I’m done writing, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

I still plan on writing everyday, but not posting every day. I want to spend more time refining and editing my articles before they are posted. I am seeking higher quality writing, from myself.

Have you ever done a 30 day challenge? Let me know what it was for in the comments!

Thanks for reading.

Don’t forget to press 👏 up to 50 times! Your support means the world to me, and I am so grateful!

