How to Backup and Restore WhatsApp Data on Android

Think About it -CA Arslan
3 min readAug 16, 2021


What is Backup & Restore?


Backup means “Save”. Data in any form is very important for everyone,

for example, a person who is a lawyer his client documents is very important or any type of The company his total documents are very important, Similarly, everyone who has any data like photos, videos, and pdf, etc.

The Backup is very important to save your data from loss because if you make any Backup of your Data After that if the original data is accidentally deleted you have a choice to Restore Data from your Backup which is made by you.


Restore means to “Return”. You already make a backup of your Data

Now you have lost the original Data the only option is to get back your data by using the Backup Data. Those data can be restored which was created a backup before lost the original data that’s why Backup and Restore WhatsApp Data on Android.

How to make WhatsApp chat Backup to Google Drive or Android Phone

You can backup and restore your WhatsApp chats anytime. Today I am teaching you a complete guide step by step you can create the Backup and Restore WhatsApp Data on Android.

Google Drive

Google Drive free cloud-based storage get from Google. It is a great Service You must be thinking why? Because the best thing is you can very easily restore them onto a new android phone without any difficulty just used by Google Drive.

Restoring Whatsapp backup is just as easy as having a conversation. if you have your own android phone, Connect to the internet by using Wi-Fi or Mobile Data

A backup file can be large in size and can consume your mobile data more recommended to connect it to Wi-Fi.

These Things must do before restoring WhatsApp Data

  1. Gmail Account active on your Android Phone
  2. Ensure that the Google services must be updated and installed
  3. check enough storage of your phone for backup
  4. A good internet speed Wi-Fi or Mobile Data

How to make Google Drive Backup for WhatsApp

  1. Open WhatsApp

2. Tap More options:: > Settings > Chats > Chat backup > Back up to Google Drive.

Read More: Think About it — CA Arslan



Think About it -CA Arslan

My name is M. Arslan. My age is 22 years old. I am a full-time Student. The purpose to start this blog is information about Daily using of Technology.