christiaan weiler
1 min readJan 31, 2017


hello, and thanks for this perspective. i think i got the idea, so now i think i have a question :

if we call ‘the insurgency’ a collective intelligence, it would require a common characteristic. i think a collective anger or frustration in their camp could seem to be a that common unifying characteristic, but it could be superficial and not deep enough to become anything. collective anger can be unifying, but building up a novel structure from that requires agreement that might be missing as the motivations for anger can be very different. at what point does ‘the insurgency’ tip from momentary convergent anger to chaotic nihilism without much collective intelligence?



christiaan weiler

l'architecture enracinée dans l'actualité et destinée a l'avenir, adaptive et evolutive, imaginée au dela du programme initiale, un investissement durable.