Texting my Home

Carlos Cabada
2 min readFeb 6, 2016


I’m into the home automation industry and I’m building “cool” stuff day by day for my home hoping to free it to everyone one day.

Right now I’m finishing a home personal assistant. It’s a data-hungry personal assistant that interacts with all your actuators and sensors, not only to turn on or off stuff, but to really understand what’s going on in your house thanks to these really tiny “computers” that are mounted all around the house.

Here is a small example of how I’m detecting when the delivery guy gets home to handle my online purchases. The “brain” of my home is analyzing the cameras all around the house trying to figure out what’s going on. This time is detecting a car, but not a normal car, but one with the FedEx logo, that’s my shipment! If by then I detect him near the entrance of my home and someone rang the doorbell, voilà! That must be my online purchase being delivered.

By that time my home personal assistant, f.k.a. Lilly, already told me what’s going on and asks me if she must open the door lock to let the delivery guy put inside the house my shipment.

Hello delivery guy, you can open the door and put the stuff inside. I’m watching.

says Lilly through a speaker.

I’ll be posting soon more stuff of what she’ve been learning to do these days.

This is not sci-fi, is happening in my home already. And I want it to happen in yours.

