What even is this?

Carlos Cabada
3 min readJan 6, 2017


How did we get here? Why do I have 5 fingers on each hand and specially a thumb in this particular way? Why do all animals on the Earth including us, share a lot of processes like the digestion or the needs to breath? We evolved from one single living thing which existed way back behind in time. Since then somehow we have been mutating to different types of animals, some live in land, others live underwater and some can do both. It took way too much for us to happen since the universe started, not even rocks existed at the beginning, nor the simplest molecule.

Whatever happened… it could only happen because all the energy, particles, molecules, etc. bounced in that particular way. And thanks to that: the human being is here.

But, are we meant to be here?

If we were created in any way… lets say a simulation or a don’t-know-how-to-call-it-way, I believe that the human specie was not designed or meant to be the way it is. Relatively speaking, the human specie is a random accident that resulted from energy being released billions years ago.

What if in the course of this time the whatever-rock that carried the secret of our life would’ve crashed somewhere else in space? It sure would’ve evolved into something else, another type of animal or maybe nothing… and in any escenario we would’ve not existed… nor the concept of what is to be human, nor the concept of what is to be you.

We are here and you are you just because it happened that way, and not because it was designed to happen.

There’s nothing magical about us. Even the things that makes you you have a reason to be: senses gathering information about the world and a brain processing it. It’s a chain reaction since your first days in Earth, it has been happening since those days with no control of it at all. We are not really making decisions here, I didn’t just started typing this in here because yeah… decisions are made due to observation and experiences. Our inner thoughts are not created from scratch just like that, they are the result of our brains mixing lots of experiences; so we better put attention on the information we are gathering because that is what defines ourselves and also our decisions.

What about our souls? Another illusion.

What even is a soul? Everything started being energy and plain matter, took billions of years to be what we are. Souls surely didn’t just “Hey, souls now exist” the same time we popped into existence. We are an accident, a chain reaction, nobody was waiting for us to suddenly appear and put souls on us. We just have evolved a lot so that our brains and knowledge make us capable of thinking about ourselves in this deep particular way, in some other words: the soul doesn’t exist if we aren’t brain-capable of thinking about it, so its just an illusion.

Who would be waiting for us? I’m more into the no-creator idea, but whatever we are if we were created (and not by some religious god, but by a creator, like the owner of this “simulation”) I’m 99.99% sure that the-creator wasn’t exactly waiting for us to appear, it only set some variables to start our universe: the laws of physics and the ordered-in-some-way-energy at the beginning.

Maybe it knew in advance that some stuff-like-us would appear into existence inside its-creation to feed the system, and I’m sure we are not so different from a rock from its perspective, we do one thing, feed the system. I bet it would anticipate our existence in the same way we would anticipate pattern-of-sounds if we give a piano to a 2 years old kid.

What are we? I’d say nothing, but it’s awesome.

