Free People Search Engines: Deep Web and All.

Cab Bearberry
3 min readOct 30, 2018


People search engines how become more and more popular with the explosion of online activity over the past 20 years. Every time someone creates an account or a profile, writes and article, creates a video, or whatever else people do online. They leave a foot print. These digital information footprints can be accessed using a search engine like google for free if done correctly and I’m going to cover that later in the article. But there is another kind of web out there called the deep web. Deep web is simply data on websites which have private access and isn't available to the public (unless they have special access) or search engines like google, bing, and yahoo. These can be public records from the local county sheriffs office or a private database used at a bank or credit card company. But for this example we’re simply looking for people information and I’m not going to get into the creepy side of deep web.

So are there real free people search engines. The answer to that is not really and it depends. If you are able to perform a little groundwork there are methods to uncover people data over the internet absolutely free. I’m going to go over both paid and free options.

To start let’s look into the paid choices. The paid option might be the most suitable choice for quick work and if there’s not to much time to do deep research and you also wish to look at records that aren’t particularly available on the web. What these data companies do is they aggregate official public records, a great deal of purchased data such as cellular phone directories, social media and general web data, paid government and non-public information into a single easy and quick to use system. You are able to try out a quick scan of any individual at and get a basic analysis on just about any person instantly without cost. (a detailed record is fee-based).

When it comes to free people search engines the best resource is Google. I know there are a ton of sites claiming to be a people search engine. But it’s simply not even close to the amount of web data google has. The king of internet data harvesting is google. For more specific and filtered search in Google you simply need to know how to work with google search operators. Plus on top of the data available on Google. Try using local public databases which are more of a deep web search. Pretty much each state, county, and city has some sort of a database which can be accessed for people information.

Let us try out google to find someone.

To start we’re only going to place the name in quotes.
“Judy Green”

Now let’s include a location should you have one.
“Judy Green” + “Houston”

You can scale this by adding something else that’s relevant that helps narrow the search.
“Judy Green” + “Houston” + “School”
“Judy Green” + “Houston” + “Work”
“Judy Green” + “Houston” + “Something Relevant”

By using social media to find people.
Why don’t we make use of facebook to discover a particular person. The search operators we will work with for facebook is what this does is fine-tune the research to exhibit results for specifically (you can try this with Twitter, Instagram, Yelp, among others). Wrap quotes around every set of search phrases plus a + after (look at examples under and test with and without quotes).

Let’s incorporate the individuals full name. + “Judy Green” + “Judy Green” + “Judy Green”

Now let’s include a location for those who have one to fine-tune the search further more. + “Judy Green” “Houston” + “Judy Green” “Houston” + “Judy Green” “Houston”

Now, why don’t we incorporate a school or whatever else that might make the research even more relevant such as a place of work / university. + “Judy Green” “Houston” “school” + “Judy Green” “Houston” “company”

