3 min readJul 25, 2018


Cryptocurrency has become the currency of people who love simplicity and transparency. With its introduction in 2008, it has come a long way. Provide a reliable opportunity for a Real Application for Users around the World. This is the ultimate goal of many platforms, operating in the space of crypto currency. The following was the idea of ​​a billion dollar venture capitalists to invest in start-ups based on the crypto currency. And, basically, people are the biggest driving force in the community. But many problems are still present in the industry, and they need to be overcome before the real history of the crypto currency begins.
Ambiguous laws and regulations around the crypto currency in many parts of the world are another important area of ​​concern. And safe: the lack of transparency for the payment platform of traders and consumers is one of the most important problems of the growth of the crypto currency in everyday life . The technical knowledge and complexity required for cryptocurrency transactions are too large for the average consumer.
And this also creates serious restrictions on the daily costs of crypto currency. The lack of integration with crypto-currency payment on the merchant’s payment gateway limits the advantages of crypto currency to people. Is there a solution to these problems?
Proposed solution
TIP here with a solution for users of the world’s crypto-currency. One of the numerous solutions presented by the company, and simple is for the user convenient On the crypto-currency address for users of crypto-currencies around the world. They believe that user-friendly addresses are the first step towards the massive introduction of crypto currency. It is similar to the IP address on the Internet. Another service offered by the platform is the binding of transaction metadata to a block chain. This allows users to delete data of their choice during the transaction of crypto currency.
Data sent through this process can only be decrypted by the owner of the private key. This will help create a searchable and indexable platform where anyone can search for anyone, to who leads the discovery of new Content and people on the web .
Creating Dapps will be one of many applications where developers can develop custom fields. The P2P message exchange feature will be available on a digital wallet, developed platform. Text, video, and other audio Formats for people Provided on the platform . For Point of Sale application specifically for retail Developed by Merchants with a variety of functions , including transaction management and order management.
Social payment is another concept used on a platform where you can easily send crypto currency to your friend. Tip Protocol is the basic protocol on which the network node operates. Tip, and in Tip Blockchain many types of transactions are possible.

For the project, TIP tokens 1000000000 have been created, 60% of which are reserved for ICO. One ETH is equal to 10,000 TIP. The exact dates for not yet announced by ICO, but the process of “white list” in the participation for tokens on sale now is on the platform .45% of the funds collected from the ICO will be used for research and development, and 25% of the funds will be used to develop marketing and business. The team working on the project consists of people of different origins, such as blockchain technology and launch.
People recognized the various possibilities of bitcoin and alcocamines in business and everyday life. Technology is constantly improving and its popularity in the global world. People understand the truth for their currency and find its alternative. Centralized institutions are wary of research and development in the field of crypto-currency and block-technology.
Creating applications that help in mass adoption of crypto currency is part of the plan, and they believe creating value that is around This idea: they are prompted? Create: Many useful applications . I think that their idea of ​​a user-friendly crypto-currency address will be appreciated by users of crypto currency. What do you think about other applications, muscle platform? Are they on the right track in creating a sustainable way to grow the crypto currency in the market?

Telegram: https://t.me/TipBlockchain
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tip-blockchain-network
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TipBlockchain
Medium: https://medium.com/tipblockchain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TipNetworkio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tipblockchain/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TipBlockchain


ETH ADRESS : 0xEFBb44281a657B8e23112885a5fA9B9f5FC85C24

