Google Container Engine

Travis Thomsen
Linux Academy
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2017

So here we are; we launched a new course at Linux Academy called Google Container Engine! If you’ve worked with AWS before, then you know that containers can function very similarly to EC2 instances; however, this is not the case with Google’s cloud. Instead, you get a stack of servers called a container cluster which are cloud instances that run Kubernetes. The course covers these various features:

  • An introduction to the Google Container Engine that explains various features for container clusters such as autoscaling, hosting a multizone configuration, and how to use Kubernetes alpha features.
  • An overview of the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  • A look at managing container clusters through the CLI and Console and how to use container cluster features.
  • How to use the Google Container Registry as an alternative to using Docker Hub for creating your own private registry.
  • Learn how to use Kubernetes to create a pod and service using the Hexo blog.
  • Create a microservice with persistent disks using MySQL and Ghost, another blogging platform.
  • How to use the Kubernetes Dashboard with your container cluster.

This course also has more features than just the video lessons:

  • It includes cloud servers for you to install the Google Cloud SDK on to interface with the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Hands-on Labs for you to complete scenarios at your own pace.
  • Exercises for additional practice.
  • Quizzes to check how well you absorbed the material.
  • Flash cards to test your knowledge.

Though this course is an introduction on how to use containers in Google’s Cloud Platform, knowledge of Docker and Kubernetes is required. So who should take this course? There are a variety of reasons why you should learn how to use the Google Cloud Platform.

  • It’s a good alternative to AWS.
  • Your company may be switching to it from another cloud provider.
  • You could be a cloud enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge.

I hope you enjoy the course!

