Create a collection

3 min readFeb 19, 2022


If you want to mint (upload) your art pieces, you will need to create your collection.

A collection is like a “container” for tokens. You can create a collection here, then mint tokens in this collection. You can create several collections, for instance if you are both a painter and a photographer, you might want to create one collection for your paintings and another one for your photographs. Technically, a collection is an FA2 contract.

Be careful before deciding to create one. It costs 1 xtz to deploy the contract (these are gas and storage fees, not platform fees: the 1 tez do not go to objkt). Since each collection is a different contract, they cannot be deleted (but they can be hidden). By deploying your own contract you ensure ownership and provenance of your work. Also your collection is not tied to a specific platform.

You need to click on “create”:

Important! Please make sure you have clicked on “create a collection” and not “create a token”. Both pages look a bit similar at first. But you can’t create a token (NFT) if you haven’t created a collection first.

You then need to upload an image:

Important! The collection image cannot be bigger than 1MB (your NFTs can be 100 MB, but this is different, it is the image for your collection, which will be a small picture on your collection profile).

Fill the name field and description field, and click on create.

Confirm in your wallet. As explained above, it will cost 1 tez to deploy the contract.

If you see this error message: “something went wrong”, please don’t try several times without making sure the first transaction didn’t work! Otherwise you will end up with several collections, you will need to hide the duplicates and it will cost you some gas fees.
What you can do is to wait and/or check on if the transaction went through. If you see 1 tez was deducted from your wallet, it means the collection will appear. If you don’t see the tez deducted, then you can try again.

On, you can type your address:

And you will see all your transactions:

Please be patient, it can take some time for the collection to appear, although it usually appears quite quickly. In any case, if the tez were deducted, it will appear.

If you see another error message when you try to mint, try this:

  • Log out, clear your cache, log in again
  • Restart your browser
  • Check that you have enough tez in your wallet for the gas fees. To create a collection, you would need to have at least 1 tez.

If you want to change the collection picture, name or description, you can click on “edit collection”:

If you want to completely delete the collection, it is not possible but you can hide it. Click here to read the article which explains how to do that.

If you want to invite collaborators in order to co-create NFTs, it’s possible, click here.

Now if you want to know how to mint your first NFT, you can read this article:




I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)