Using the search bar on objkt

Feb 20, 2022


You can type the title of an NFT, collection, the name of an artist, or an objkt ID.

Here for example, I am typing “zancan” and I see the artist named zancan, collections named zancan or created by zancan, and tokens which have “zancan” in their name.

Important: it is possible you don’t find an artist by typing their name if they haven’t added their names to their profiles for instance. In that case, try typing their addresses.

If I now click on “enter”, I can choose to see tokens or collections:

And can sort the results:

If I want to focus on the art and only see the image and no information, I can click on this square:






I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)