Why objkt?

1 min readFeb 19, 2022


What are the advantages compared to other platforms?

There are many but it is on tezos

  • The ecological impact

Click here to see an interesting article about this by TQ Tezos

“The energy used annually by validators of the Tezos network (also known as “bakers” in the Tezos ecosystem) is in the range of 60MWh, a continuous draw of 7 kilowatts. Compared to Ethereum, these numbers differ by a factor of over two million, between six and seven orders of magnitude.”

  • The artistic community

I personally started collecting on tezos because it is a community with artists supporting other artists:

  • The gas fees are very low

It is a huge advantage as it allows you to experiment more, you can burn a piece easily without losing too much money. Due to this, the community is also more diverse, with artists from all around the world.

  • You can mint on your own contract which ensures ownership and provenance of your work.

An artist wrote this article to explain why she minted on objkt: https://medium.com/@maguitte/diving-into-the-tezos-nft-wave-12c95f3d6ade

If you want to learn more about objkt, please listen to this podcast:




I am the curator for objkt.com. I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)