CryptoRobotsCity NFTs

Asmodeus Gontier
3 min readApr 28, 2023

What is Crypto Robot City NFT?

It’s an Art & Collectible NFT project featuring 1565 unique pieces in a vibrant Vintage Anime Style. As unique digital assets on the POLYGON Blockchain, each piece represents a masterpiece in digital art. Crypto Robot NFTs are freely tradable on various NFT marketplaces that support Ethereum-based tokens. Each NFT comes with randomly generated attributes, adding to its rarity.

🥮 NFT Details:

Category: Digital Art

Style: Anime/Robots

Type: De-Fi Project

Supply: 1561

Blockchain: POLYGON

Mintdate: July 30th

Smarth Contract (MATIC): 0xEBcB777e2D64d61602451ea257405BF07D181D54

🏦 Public Sale: 20 MATIC
🏦 Presale: 15 MATIC

We are in season#1 of the project
This is only the first step of a great ecosystem, season #1

NFTS Benefits

💸Exclusive NFT Wild Cards: The first buyers receive 21 free NFT wild cards, adding rarity to your collection.

🚀Staking Pool Bonus: Get a $20 bonus in our Cloud Mining Pool, enhancing your investment.

💰Giveaways and Prizes: Participate in exciting giveaways for a chance to win great prizes.

👕Online Clothing Store Access: Explore our online clothing store with the option to purchase products at discounted prices using exclusive coupons.

🪂Free Airdrop Opportunity: Be part of the free airdrop of our token, securing additional benefits (2000 CRC Token per NFT minted).

💰Investment Opportunity: After selling all NFTs of the second season, first-season investors can sell back their NFTs for double their value.

Join now to unlock a world of exclusive perks and investment opportunities!

You will love our exclusive free nft for the first investors, check them out on open sea

📘 Token Economics🌕 :
Token Name: RoboCity
Symbol: CRC
Smart Contract (MATIC): 0x294AA56fa5d0E147Db40d2F04B6Bc6fd88Ad3ef1
Total Supply: 100 million
Network: Polygon
Presale Date: TBA

Token CRC official logo

💰 Token Mechanics and Utility:
Every user minting an NFT receives 2000 free CRC per NFT (e.g., minting 4 NFTs yields 8000 CRC).

🔩 Future Token Functionality:
The token will power the liquid pool platform, providing rewards for investors.
In the second season, new users must use CRC to purchase our exclusive NFTs.
In the future the token will be used to give rewards in our P2E game.

Dragon type nfts are the most appreciated by our community

Please exercise caution, particularly when someone messages you.
Here you can find our Official Links. If you need some additional info, or willing to visit other CRC media — please use only these links.




Official website:

Mint Now:

In the future we will release a P2E game and it will not only revolutionize the crypto world, but it will also be very addictive

Secure your place in RoboCity — where NFTs meet innovative
🌕 To the Moon Together — Mint Your NFT! 💵🤖📈

